Lawn Mowing Simulator (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Aggressive expansionUpgrade a Company HQ.Bronze
All hands on deckPick up 250 objects in ground check phases.Bronze
Amateur mowerComplete all amateur challenges.Bronze
Bigger and betterPart exchange a vehicle for a more expensive one.Silver
Blade RunnerSprint a total of one mile in Career mode.Bronze
CenturionDrive a total of hundred miles in Career mode.Bronze
Close shaveFinish a ten career contract within the recommended completion time.Bronze
CredibleEarn the company RP title of 'Credible'.Bronze
Cut LooseComplete your first challenge.Bronze
DistinguishedEarn the company RP title of 'Distinguished'.Gold
Earn your stripesEarn a 95% or above stripe rating in a stripe contract and complete the cut.Silver
EstablishedEarn the company RP title of 'Established'.Bronze
EsteemedEarn the company RP title of 'Esteemed'.Silver
Every good deed...Hand in your first valuable.Bronze
Every story has a beginningComplete a contract.Bronze
Expert mowerComplete all expert challenges.Gold
Fighting on all frontsComplete three contracts in a single day.Bronze
First step on the ladderPurchase the second Company HQ.Bronze
Hard timesDownscale to a smaller Company HQ.Bronze
In it for the long haulComplete hundred contracts.Silver
Jack of all tradesComplete one of every kind of contract.Bronze
Lawn & OrderComplete a striping contract.Bronze
Lawn Enforcement OfficerHand in all valuables.Bronze
Lawn in the U.S.A.Purchase your first American made mower.Silver
Lawn on the 4th of JulyUse an American made mower to complete a contract on the 4th of July in Career Mode.Bronze
Leaner and meanerPart exchange a vehicle for a cheaper one.Bronze
Mighty Mowing Park RangerComplete your first Park contract.Bronze
Mo mowers, mo problemsOwn all original mowers.Gold
Phoenix risesBring a company on the brink of bankruptcy back into profit.Bronze
PlatimowObtained all trophies.Platinum
Positive word of mouthEarn your first RP rank up.Bronze
Professional mowerComplete all professional challenges.Silver
ProfessionalEarn the company RP title of 'Professional'.Bronze
Size isn't everythingComplete a career contract with a deck 50cm smaller than the recommended size.Bronze
Teamwork makes the dream workHire your first employee.Bronze
The dream beginsPurchase your first vehicle.Bronze
The first of manyDrive a total of one miles in Career mode.Bronze
The grass is always greenerComplete a career contract without earning a fine or penalty.Silver
The top of the mountainPurchase the fourth Company HQ.Silver
TrustedEarn the company RP title of 'Trusted'.Bronze
Where there's muck there's brassComplete a litter contract.Bronze
Worked your grass offPurchase the third Company HQ.Bronze
Zero to heroTrain an employee from apprentice to expert.Silver