FINAL SWORD (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
10 monstersDefeated ten monsters.Bronze
100 monstersDefeated hundred monsters!Bronze
1000 monstersDefeated thousand monsters!Silver
500 monstersDefeated 500 monsters!Bronze
Level 10Achieved level 10.Bronze
The 100 treasuresDiscovered the hundred treasures!Silver
The Dragon SlayerYou are given the title of the dragon slayer now.Gold
The Hell WormDefeated a terrable Hell Worm!Bronze
The HeroThe hero trophy of the FINAL SWORD.Platinum
The ManticoresDefeated ten manticores!Bronze
The Master of MagicMastered all magics!Gold
The big goblinsDefeated thirty big gobilns!Bronze
The fifty treasuresDiscovered the fifty treasures!Bronze
The first level upDefeat the monster and achieve the level up.Bronze
The golemsDefeated thirty golems!Silver
The griffinsDefeated thirty griffins!Silver
The ice wyvernDefeated the ice wyvern!Silver
The jelly kingDefeated the jelly king.Bronze
The jellyking familyDefeated All JellyKings.Gold
The magicYou learned the magic for the first time!Bronze
The master of skillLearn All Skills!Gold
The monsterDefeated a monster for the first time.Bronze
The new skillLearn a new skill.Bronze
The reapersDefeated fifty reapers!Bronze
The skill ringObtained the skill ring!Gold
The thievesDefeated fifty thieves!Bronze
The treasure hunterDiscovered the 150 treasures!Gold
The treasuresFind more hidden treasures!Bronze
The treasureFind the hidden treasure.Bronze
The white bearsDefeated ten white bears!Bronze
Top LevelChallenge to achieve the highest level!Gold