Burger Fun (PlayStation 5)


Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Burger Fun masterCollect all trophies in game.Platinum
Complete levelComplete a level in game.
Press Circle button twicePress Circle button twice at correct time.Gold
Press Circle buttonPress Circle button at correct time.Gold
Press Cross button twicePress Cross button twice at correct time.Gold
Press Cross buttonPress Cross button at correct time.Gold
Press Square button twicePress Square button twice at correct time.Gold
Press Square buttonPress Square button at correct time.Gold
Press Triangle button twicePress Triangle button twice at correct time.Gold
Press Triangle buttonPress Triangle button at correct time.Gold
Press three buttons in a rowPress three correct buttons in a row.Gold
Press two buttons in a rowPress correct buttons consecutively.Gold