Bat Boy (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
A Taste For MusicPlay a song in the Groovy House.Bronze
Animal LoverFind and rescue all pets.Gold
Cheers!Give Boarman all three ingredients to prepare drinks.Gold
Crystals Like PelletsThis room looks familar... It needs more ghosts...Gold
Everyone is Here!All your friends are in the Groovy House.Gold
Expert BatterDeflect hundred projectiles.Silver
Hall of FameObtained all Bat Boy trophies.Platinum
Informed BuyerBuy an item.Bronze
Kind SoulFind and rescue a pet.Silver
Liberated StratossDefeat Vicious Maximus.Gold
MelomaniacCollect all Cassettes.Gold
Open for BusinessGive Boarman an ingredient to prepare a drink.Silver
Out of the Park!Score five Homeruns.Bronze
RichCollect 999 Crystals.Silver
Seed LoverCollect every single seed.Gold
Seed from a StrangerBuy a Golden Seed.Silver
Strike OneDefeat Azaros.Bronze
Strike ThreeDefeat Azaros for the third time.Gold
Strike TwoDefeat Azaros for the second time.Silver