Back 4 Blood (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
A Humerus WeaponKill 10 Ridden with Bob's Arm.Bronze
Act 1 CleanerComplete all Act 1 maps on Nightmare difficulty.Bronze
Act 1 RecruitComplete all Act 1 maps on Recruit difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 1 VeteranComplete all Act 1 maps on Veteran difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 2 CleanerComplete all Act 2 maps on Nightmare difficulty.Bronze
Act 2 RecruitComplete all Act 2 maps on Recruit difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 2 VeteranComplete all Act 2 maps on Veteran difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 3 CleanerComplete all act 3 maps on Nightmare difficulty.Bronze
Act 3 RecruitComplete all Act 3 maps on Recruit difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 3 VeteranComplete all Act 3 maps on Veteran difficulty or higher.Bronze
Act 4 CleanerComplete Act 4 on Nightmare difficulty.Gold
Act 4 RecruitComplete Act 4 on Recruit difficulty or higher.Gold
Act 4 VeteranComplete Act 4 on Veteran difficulty or higher.Gold
All Cleaned UpEarn all other Trophies in Back 4 Blood.Platinum
Apocalypse PacifistComplete a map without any players on the team killing a single Ridden.Bronze
Bell HopFind the secret in Search & Rescue.Bronze
Bob's Your UncleComplete The Armory.Bronze
Breakfast Can WaitComplete The Dark Before the Dawn.Bronze
BreakfestKill a Breaker after removing all of its armor.Gold
Brought a Knife to a GunfightComplete a level while getting at least 50 kills with melee weapons.Bronze
Brute ForceKill an Ogre with the howitzer.Bronze
Cleanup CrewComplete a mission without any players being incapacitated or killed.Bronze
Cooped UpFind the secret in The Armory.Bronze
CryptozoologistFind the secret in Job 10:22.Bronze
Dangerous To Go AloneFind the secret in Plan B.Bronze
Dead QuietComplete a map without ever triggering a horde from Reekers, Birds, Snitches, or alarms.Bronze
Don't Ask...Rescue a teammate from a cocoon.Bronze
Don't You Eat My NeighborComplete Dr. Rogers' Neighborhood.Bronze
Down the DrainComplete Plan B.Bronze
Down, But Not OutKill 15 enemies while downed.Bronze
Easily MistFind the secret in Blue Dog Hollow.Bronze
Enemy of MineComplete Blue Dog Hollow.Bronze
Expanding the ArsenalSpend your first Supply Point.Bronze
Extra CreditFind the secret in Remnants.Bronze
Good Riddence!Kill 53,600 Ridden over your career.Bronze
Grateful EightComplete a mission with each Cleaner.Bronze
Hippocrates Would be ProudHeal a teammate.Bronze
Jugger-notMake a Breaker hurt itself.Bronze
Jukebox HeroDefend the jukebox in Bar Room Blitz without it breaking.Bronze
Mind Your StepFind the secret in The Abomination.Bronze
NemesisSafely descend the ladder in the construction zone in Resurgence.Bronze
Night of the Living HedgeFind the secret in Dr. Rogers' Neighborhood.Bronze
No Time for a NapRevive a fallen teammate.Bronze
Of Biblical ProportionsComplete Job 10:22.Bronze
Paid the TollComplete The Devil's Return.Bronze
Pallet CleanserFind the secret in The Dark Before the Dawn.Bronze
Paved With Good IntestinesComplete Remnants.Bronze
Port Man Toe?Find the secret in The Devil's Return.Bronze
Share the LoadDrop some ammo for a teammate.Bronze
SmörgåsbordKill at least one of each non-boss Mutation.Bronze
Snitches Get StitchesKill a Snitch without it alerting the horde.Bronze
Squad UpForm a party in Fort Hope.Bronze
Stacked DeckHave at least 25 cards in play at once.Bronze
SwarmedWin a game in Swarm Mode.Bronze
This Round's On MeComplete Search and Rescue.Bronze
Welcome to the ApocalypseGood luck out there, you're gunna need it.Bronze