Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
A Fall of Moonlight (Gold)Obtain Crescent Edge.
Academy at Arms (Bronze)Craft 10 weapons.
All that Glitters (Bronze)Craft 10 accessories.
Attack of the Clowns (Bronze)Promote a student to Harlequin.
Capitalism, ho! (Bronze)Buy an item from the wandering merchant.
Cherry Pop (Bronze)Graduate a student.
Citizen Cane (Gold)Obtain Shermanstaff.
Colors & Classes (Bronze)Finish Chapter 2.
Dance with Draconus (Bronze)Promote a student to Arc Draconus.
Erratic Quests (Bronze)Finish 30 missions.
Gold for the Gold God (Silver)Have 1,000,000 G in your Academy's funds.
Golden Memories (Silver)Graduate 50 students.
Guardian Force (Bronze)Promote a student to Paladin.
Heal Overtime (Bronze)Promote a student to Medica.
Invulnerable (Bronze)No fallen students for 5 consecutive missions.
Mother Save the Queen (Bronze)Finish Chapter 1.
Namingway (Bronze)Rename a student.
Perfect Academy (Silver)All facilities built at Accreditation level A.
Return of the Princess (Bronze)Finish Chapter 4.
Rise of the Wicker Cult (Bronze)Finish Chapter 3.
Rolling Students (Bronze)Enroll 30 new students.
Run & Gun (Bronze)Promote a student to Arquebusier.
Sage Knowledge (Bronze)Promote a student to Scholarsage.
Straight A (Silver)Reach Accreditation level A.
The Blade Which Sold the Mountain (Gold)Obtain Valthir.
The Completionist (Platinum)Unlock all trophies.
Ultimaniac (Silver)Learn an ultimate skill.
Valthirian Peace (Gold)Unite all Five Queendoms.
Valthirian Truce (Gold)Ascend Isabel to Mother Seat.
Valthirian Vice (Gold)Support one Queendom to rule the Realm.