SUPERHOT (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Access Denied (secret)Complete SUBWAY level.Silver
Bored (secret)Launch every app in the system.Bronze
Can't get enoughKill over 1987 Red Dudes in endless mode.Silver
Charted (secret)Find every hidden terminal.Gold
Conserve AmmoKill 3 Red Dudes with one shotgun shot.Bronze
Deep Web (secret)Become part of the community.Silver
DudesKill 100 Red using melee.Silver
Full PackageUnlock all endless levels.Gold
Get REDyGet RED ending in every level of SPEEDRUNrt challenge.Gold
HerculesBeat all Challenges.Gold
It's a me, Mario! (secret)Kill an enemy by jumping on him.Bronze
JustKill 100 Red Dudes with a pistol.Silver
KillingKill 100 Red Dudes with a shotgun.Silver
No they didn't (secret)Shoot down a bullet with a bullet.Bronze
One of us (secret)Complete the game.Gold
Pointless but coolScore 100 headshots.Silver
Pumpkin Spiced SUPERHOTLaunch Pumpkin Spiced Challenge between 24.10 & 7.11Bronze
Ratatatata!Kill 3 Red Dudes with one rifle burst.Bronze
RedKill 100 Dudes with a rifle.Silver
ShishkebapKill 2 Red Dudes with one katana throw.Bronze
So it is possible!Cut bullet with a katana.Bronze
Spread the systemCapture the replay.Bronze
Stand REDyGet RED ending in every level of SPEEDRUN challenge.Gold
Trophy HunterObtain all the TrophiesPlatinum
We Can See You (secret)Complete SERV level.Silver
We Told You To Leave (secret)Get back to the system after being expelled.Silver
With KatanaKill 100 Red Dudes with a katana.Silver