Space Explorers: Red Planet (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Astral AlacrityAstral Alacrity.Gold
Celestial PathfinderCelestial Pathfinder.Silver
Flora TerminalFlora Terminal.Bronze
ISS ChelanISS Chelan.Bronze
ISS HyriusISS Hyrius.Silver
Lomboe CarrierLomboe Carrier.Silver
Luna MothLuna Moth.Gold
Lunis BaseLunis Base.Silver
Nyx StationNyx Station.Bronze
Radiance StationRadiance Station.Silver
Red Planet ExplorerRed Planet Explorer.Platinum
Serendipity StarShipSerendipity StarShip.Bronze
Solar VagabondSolar Vagabond.Bronze
Spectral ShiftSpectral Shift.Gold
Starship AdelaideStarship Adelaide.Bronze
Starship DeclivityStarship Declivity.Gold
Starship WausauStarship Wausau.Silver
Stellar PrincessStellar Princess.Gold
Yupynth CarrierYupynth Carrier.Gold