Seeds of Resilience (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
All for oneUnlock every character.Gold
Animal careWin a survival game without "using" animals.Gold
BuilderBuild a cob house.Bronze
Cosy hamletHave 6 villagers comfortably sleeping.Bronze
CraftsmasterUnlock all crafts.Silver
Elbow greaseUse 2,500 hours of work.Silver
Jack of all tradesHave a villager master every skill.Gold
Master builderUnlock all buildings.Gold
No harm in taking a breakWaste 100 hours of work.Silver
One step forwardBuild a wattle shack.Bronze
PirateOpen 50 crates.Silver
ResilienceReach turn 100.Gold
Ship's carpenterWin survival game by building a boat.Gold
Stone masteryBuild a stone house.Bronze
SurvivalistBuild a shelter.Bronze
The BestUnlock all trophies.Platinum
The birth of a heroHave a character start a day with 16 hours of work.Gold
They didn't stand a chanceDie during the tutorial.Bronze
Through the storm landWin survival game in merciless difficulty.Gold
TirelessUse 5,000 hours of work.Gold
Wood MasteryBuild a cabin.Bronze