Trophy | How to unlock
"An Introduction to Cheeromancy" (Bronze) | Start Episode 2.
"An Invader Attacks!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 5.
"Beat up Turtle Man!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 11.
"Come Together, Justice Punch!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 20.
"Fall" (Bronze) | Start Episode 18.
"Fight, Kenji Miyazawa!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 16.
"Find the Nandara Gandara!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 1.
"It's New Years Eve, Meikaemon" (Bronze) | Start Episode 12.
"Ito" (Bronze) | Start Episode 10.
"Korai House, Shrouded in Sorrow" (Bronze) | Start Episode 8.
"Meika's Expecting" (Bronze) | Start Episode 6.
"Muhi and the Present" (Bronze) | Start Episode 9.
"Oh, jeez! Then what are you?" (Bronze) | Tick off Rabura in Episode 2.
"Operation Peace-Maker" (Bronze) | Start Episode 21.
"Panty Party!" (Bronze) | Start Episode 17.
"Possession is 9/10ths of the Panties" (Bronze) | Start Episode 7.
"Rabura and Gliese" (Bronze) | Start Episode 15.
"Sorrowful Spirit" (Bronze) | Start Episode 3.
"The Happiest, Most Peaceful Future Has a Lot of Cleavage In It" (Bronze) | Watch the short bonus anime.
"The Humanity Preservation Project" (Bronze) | Start Episode 13.
"The Song That's a Magic Spell" (Bronze) | Start Episode 19.
"Three Little Souls" (Bronze) | Start Episode 14.
"Towards the Happiest, Most Peaceful Future" (Bronze) | Complete the epilogue.
"Ultra High-Tech Optical Camouflague" (Bronze) | Start Episode 4.
Don't Get More Excited! (Bronze) | Raise your Boom! gauge to the red zone.
Exterminate Humanity With Ito's Panties (Bronze) | Exterminate humanity by looking at Ito's panties.
Exterminate Humanity With Meika's Panties (Bronze) | Exterminate humanity by looking at Meika's panties.
Exterminate Humanity With Mikatan's Panties (Bronze) | Exterminate humanity by looking at Mikatan's panties.
Exterminate Humanity With Rabura's Panties (Bronze) | Exterminate humanity by looking at Rabura's panties.
Hit the Jackpot! (Bronze) | Have the courage to go for a Lucky Trick.
It's Time For the Trick Chain! (Bronze) | Pick an Activation Trick.
Kamenishi is a Northern Snake-Necked Turtle (Bronze) | Do a trick with Kamenishi.
Let the Music Play! (Bronze) | Listen to all songs in music mode.
Noice Yutan! Keep 'em On edge! (Gold) | Clear the trick section of Episode 12 with your Boom! gauge almost near the red zone (5 blocks or less)
Only That Which is Real Will Remain (Bronze) | Activate easy mode in a trick section or trick chain section.
That's Not Quite Right (Bronze) | Pick a wrong trick.
The Humanity Preservation Project Has Failed (Bronze) | See the Part 2 bad ending.
This Has To Be Right! (Bronze) | Pick a Right Answer Trick.
Trick Chain, Here We Go! (Bronze) | Complete a Trick Chain.
Use That to Play Tricks (Bronze) | Pick a target for your tricks.
Way To Play It Cool, Yutan (Gold) | Clear the trick section of Episode 7 without letting your Boom! gauge go up once.
Wow, Yutan! That's Perfect! (Gold) | Clear the trick chain section of Episode 12 without picking any wrong tricks.
You Got All the Panties! (Silver) | Complete the Panties Gallery.
You Got Soul Fragments! (Bronze) | Get some soul fragments.
You Saw the Panties! (Silver) | See all panties in the Panties Gallery.
You're Cutting It Close, Yutan (Silver) | Clear the trick chain section of Episode 11 with very little time (3 seconds or less) on the clock.
Your Spirit Power Level Went Up! (Bronze) | Increase your spirit power level.
Your rank went up! Your new rank is "Punchline Master!" (Platinum) | Get all trophies.
Yutan, That's Going Too Far (Silver) | Clear the trick section of Episode 10 with 0 tricks left.
Yutan, You Got Too Excited! (Silver) | Get the Boom! gauge into the red zone 10 times in a row.