Planetbase (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Absolute DominationComplete all milestones on all planetsGold
CapitalistHave at least 1000 Coins in your base at any given timeBronze
ChallengerComplete one challengeSilver
Cyber MinerHave at least 6 Driller Bots and 2 operational Mines at any given timeBronze
Desert BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the desert planetBronze
Desert LandingLand on the desert planetBronze
Express ColonyBuild a base with at least 250 colonists in less than 60 daysGold
Express Dark ColonyComplete Dark Moon challenge in less than 70 daysGold
Express OutpostBuild a base with at least 100 colonists in less than 30 daysSilver
Express StarportComplete Starport Atlantis challenge in less than 15 daysGold
Frozen BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the frozen planetBronze
Frozen LandingLand on the frozen planetBronze
Genetic EngineerBuild a GM tomato and GM onion padSilver
High SpiritsBuild a base with at least 100 colonists and 95% welfare ratioSilver
HoarderFill a Massive Storage to more than 90%Silver
Hyper ChallengerComplete four challengesGold
Hyper MegalomaniacBuild monoliths on all planetsSilver
Link to the futureBuild two structures and connect themBronze
MegastructuresBuild all massive structuresSilver
Moon BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the moon planetBronze
Moon LandingLand on the gas giant moonBronze
OverpopulationBuild a base with at least 350 colonistsSilver
Planetary ApprenticeComplete tutorialBronze
Platinum TrophyAcquired all other trophiesPlatinum
Police StateHave at least 20 armed Guards in your base at any given timeSilver
Robo ColonyBuild a base with at least 100 colonists, with at least 25% of BotsSilver
Space FarmerHave at least 20 Vegetable boxes in your base at any given timeBronze
StargazerHave 5 operational Telescopes at any given timeBronze
Steel DomeHave 3 operational lasers, telescopes and telescope consoles at any given timeSilver
Storm BaseBuild a base with at least 100 colonists on the storm planetSilver
Storm LandingLand on the storm planetBronze