Pinball FX3 (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Arachnophobia (Bronze)Defeat all the spiders in the cellar on Sorcerer's Lair! (Single player only)
Barely legit (Silver)Max out all the upgrades and wizard powers on the same table!
Beat this! (Bronze)Win your first Matchup game!
Contender (Bronze)Post a score in an official tournament!
Feel the power (Bronze)Unlock 3 upgrades on any table!
Get the stars! (Silver)Earn all stars in a Challenge mode game!
Gotta collect'em all (Silver)Gather all the Collectibles of a table!
Here comes a new challenger (Silver)Earn all the stars of a table's Challenge modes!
Level cap reached (Silver)Level up any upgrade or wizard power on any table to level 10!
Master of pinballs (Silver)Collect 35 Pinball Mastery points in total!
Nine zeros (Bronze)Earn 1,000,000,000 points combined on the tables!