Persona 5 (PlayStation 4)

Bad Ending 1

Ignore the deadline for the palace without getting the treasure inside. Skipping this opportunity will set you on the course for the first bad ending.

Bad Ending 2

This ending will depend on your choices in your interrogation with Sae Niijima on November 20th. If you reveal who your fellow Phantom Thieves are to Sae during this scene you will get the second bad ending.

Bad Ending 3

The final bad ending will depend on the decision you make in the final dungeon. During a dialogue exchange, select the 'Is it really the right world?' line to begin the third bad ending.

Capturing all Personas

Every Shadow that you can capture as a Persona will first ask you a series of questions. You have to answer these questions correctly to capture the Persona. If you answer the questions incorrectly, the enemy can flee or launch more powerful attacks against your team. When you are talking with a Persona, first check what personality type they are. You can view the personality type in the top left of the screen. There are four different personalities that each Persona can possess. Each personality responds to specific types of answers. The different personality types are Upbeat, Timid, Irritable, and Gloomy. There are also four different categories that an answer can belong to. These are Jokes, Serious, Vague, and Kind. Each Persona personality likes one specific type of answer, dislikes two others, and does not care about the final category. Just remember to check the personality type of the Persona you are trying to catch and then match the answers. For example, if you are attempting to catch an Upbeat Persona, respond to its questions with joke type answers. The following personalities like the listed response type: Upbeat likes Jokes, Timid likes Kind, Irritable likes Serious, and Gloomy likes Vague.

Chariot and Ryuji

The item is located in Central Shibuya Arcade. The item you get is the Sports Watch, which lets you remove negative status ailments from your teammates.

Christmas Presents

When you complete the game and have a Cooperation Level 10 girl you will get a Christmas present that can be carried over to New Game+ mode. The Christmas present will be a new item that gives a powerful ability. Listed below are the various Christmas presents, where they are located and it's ability.

Death and Tae

The item is located in Medical Clinic. The item you get is the Dog Tag, which lets you purchase ALL available items at the Medical Clinic.

Devil and Oya

The item is located in Newcomer Bar. The item you get is the Top-Secret Memo, which lets you have your alert level in Palaces at zero.

Emperor and Yusuke

The item is located in Shibuya Station Underground Street. The item you get is The Painting Of Desire And Hope, which lets you make any skill card.

Empress and Haru

The item is located in Central Shibuya. The item you get is the Coffee-Dyed Handkerchief, which lets you cultivate vegetables faster.

Fortune and Chihaya

The item is located in Shinjuku. The item you get is the Tarot Cards Of Fate, which lets you unlock ALL available fortune telling.

Good Ending

This ending involves avoiding ALL three bad endings. Reach December 24th, talk with Igor in the final dungeon, and select not fight him to get the good ending.

Hanged Man and Iwai

The item is located in Central Shibuya. The item you get is the Gecko Tile, which lets you access ALL the gun customizations.

Hermit and Futaba

The item is located in Le Blanc. The item you get is the Promise Note, which lets you unlock Field Support.

Hierophant and Sojiro

The item is located in Le Blanc. The item you get is the Recipe Note, which lets you make Coffee and Curry.

Infinite money

Once you have an Onmoraki (Onion Chicken persona) that is found earlier in the game, level it up to Level 15 to learn Confusion Boost and Pulinpa. Then, fuse Onmoraki with any desired persona. Since you can always farm on the Easy difficulty, it is recommended you select a persona with higher Luck to maximize your gains. If not, select whatever you are comfortable with and make sure to inherit Confusion Boost and Pulinpa. Next, level up the persona through Gallows Fusion, using the highest level Gem persona you are able to summon as Fodder. Following each Gallows Fusion, you must register the persona, delete it (Itemization or Fodder), and re-summon it again since the game does not allow strengthening a single persona more than once. After doing this, gather about three Memento Requests since not all Memento bosses can be confused. Make sure the difficulty is set to Easy, you have an SP regenerating accessory equipped, and only have the protagonist in your party (turns go faster this way). Finally, find and confuse the Memento boss, then keep guarding it until you have to confuse it again. Depending on your "Luck", the Boss should be throwing money, items, or even nothing at you. If you are doing everything correctly, you should not be taking much damage and can farming while doing other things. Simply press Triangle then X to confuse and Circle then X to guard. This method allows you to earn between 40,000 to 170,000 per enemy turn.

Judgment and Sae

The item is located in Yongenjaya Alleyway. The item you get is unknown.

Kill the Reaper easily

We all know that the Reaper is one of the hardest optional boss in the game. In order to kill it easily, wait for a day with an Influenza Warning. Note that November thirteen, fourteen and fifteen and December eight and ninen are the only dates that will have this kind of weather. When you're on one of this dates, travel to any regular floor of Mementos and wait for about five minutes. The Reaper will spawn and will come directly towards you. Make sure to ambush it so you can easily escape when the conditions aren't met. When the battle begins, be sure that the Reaper is inflicted with a Despair condition. If this does not occur escape and approach it again until its inflicted with a Despair condition. If his inflicted with this status it won't be able to attack and after three turns, it will die automatically. You will earn a large amount of EXP after the battle. You can then go to another floor and repeat this process. You will be level ninetynine in no time.

Lovers and Anne

The item is located in Shibuya Underground Mall. The item you get is the Magazine With Anne On The Cover, which lets you re-enter negotiations after the 'Hold Up' fails.

Moon and Yuki

The item is located in Akihabara. The item you get is the Report Outline, which lets you access ALL XP effects from Mishima's route.

Priestess and Makoto

The item is located in Aoyama Itchome Station. The item you get is Puchimaru-kun's Calculator, which lets you see the enemy skills and item drops during Analysis.

Star and Hifumi

The item is located in Kanda. The item you get is the Spear Shogi Piece, which lets you run away from the battle at the same time.

Strength and Caroline and Justine

The item is located in Central Shibuya. The item you get is the Prisoner's Cell Key, which lets you unlock ALL available fusion methods.

Sun and Toranosuke

The item is located in Shibuya Station Plaza. The item you get is the High-Grade Fountain Pen, which lets you unlock 'Hold Up' negotiations.

Temperance and Sadayo

The item is located in Outside School. The item you get is the Endless Coupons, which lets you unlock ALL available special messages.

The Magician and Morgana

The item location is random. The item you get is Morgana's Scarf, which lets you steal items from the enemies while attacking them with the protagonist.

Tower and Shinya

The item is located in Akihabara Arcade. The item you get is the Gun Controller, which lets you access ALL available gun techniques.

True Ending

If you get the treasure from the palace by the deadline, never cooperate with Sae Niijima during your interrogation with him on November 20th, do not select the 'Is it really the right world?' dialogue in the final dungeon, and refuse the deal and agree to fight Igor on December 24th. After the fight, you will be on the course to get the true ending.

Unlock New Game+ Mode

When you have completed the game New Game+ mode will become unlocked. In New Game+ ALL skill cards, social stats, money, Persona compendium, weapons, armour, and other pieces of equipment will be carried over to your next playthrough. Character level, cooperation level, equipped Personas, consumable items (Valentine's Chocolates remain), and items except weapons, armour, and other pieces of equipment do not carry over to New Game+. Note: Battling Caroline and Justine, fusing Satanael, and an extra difficulty mode are part of New Game+ mode.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
A New JourneySee the ending.Gold
A Perfect JobComplete all requests.Silver
A Phantom Thief's DutyObtain a Treasure Demon.Bronze
A Sublime ExperimentPerform an Electric Chair execution.Bronze
A True ConfidantMax out one Confidant.Bronze
A Unique RebelDefeat the Reaper.Silver
Aggressive SearcherObtain 150 items from searchable objects in Palaces.Bronze
Atop Countless SacrificesPerform a Gallows execution.Bronze
Bank of Gluttony Goes BankruptComplete the Bank Palace.Bronze
Beginner Phantom ThievesComplete 5 requests.Bronze
Beyond RehabilitationDefeat the twins.Gold
BookwormRead all books.Bronze
Casino of Jealousy Shut DownComplete the Casino Palace.Bronze
Castle of Lust FallsComplete the Castle Palace.Bronze
Competent NegotiatorSuccessfully rescue a hostage from an enemy's threat.Bronze
Countless MasksObtain 30 Personas through negotiation.Bronze
CraftworkerCreate all types of infiltration tools.Bronze
Cruiser of Pride SinksComplete the Cruiser Palace.Bronze
Drink FanaticBuy every kind of drink from vending machines.Bronze
Execution Leading to RebirthPerform a Guillotine execution.Bronze
Golden FingerComplete all video games.Bronze
Great Phantom Thieves ConveneMax out all Confidants.Gold
Guardian of the PondCatch the Guardian of the fishing pond.Bronze
I Am ThouObtain a Persona through negotiation.Bronze
Legendary Phantom ThiefEarn all trophies.Platinum
Mask CollectorComplete the Persona Compendium.Silver
Mask of an Honor StudentRank first place on your exams.Bronze
Merciless ExecutionerPerform 50 Persona fusions.Bronze
Museum of Vanity ClosesComplete the Museum Palace.Bronze
My BackyardUnlock all hangout spots.Bronze
My Best PartnerEnter a special relationship with someone.Bronze
Nominating the TwinsPerform a Group Guillotine execution.Bronze
One Who Rebels Against a GodCreate Satanael.Silver
Passionate ListenerHear 250 of Futaba's navigation lines.Silver
Perfect CombinationPerfect CombinationBronze
Phantom Thieves FormedForm the Phantom Thieves.Bronze
Power That ConnectsPerform a Baton Pass 3 times in a single turn.Bronze
Precise InsightExploit enemy weaknesses 100 times.Bronze
Pyramid of Wrath CollapsesComplete the Pyramid Palace.Bronze
Skilled GunmanDefeat 3 or more enemies at once with a single round of bullets.Bronze
Soul of RebellionObtain the Persona Arsene.Bronze
Spaceport of Greed DestroyedComplete the Spaceport Palace.Bronze
The City's Hard HitterHit a home run at the batting cages.Bronze
The Sneaking OneAmbush the enemy 50 times.Bronze
The True TricksterComplete Mementos.Bronze
The Ultimate StrikeDeal over 999 damage in a single attack.Bronze
Through One's SentenceLearn a new Persona skill through Lockdown.Bronze
True TalentMax out all social stats.Bronze
Under-the-Table GoodsCustomize a gun.Bronze