Pato Box (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
All inDefeat Kilpatrick without getting hitSilver
Anas platyrhynchosGet an S Rank in all fights and modes in Arcade ModeGold
AnatidaeGet an S Rank in Dark Pato's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
Auf WiederPatoDefeat Miss Brauch EntenBronze
Beat MasterDefeat Plaganetes without getting hitSilver
Bon AppetitDefeat Pizzicanatra at the Food FactoryBronze
Cooking 101Get an S Rank in Pizzicanatra's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
CrocoducksFind all Patokens at the SewersBronze
Demolition PatoReturn all of Vorutki's Bombs.Bronze
Duck InvestmentsFind all Patokens at the OfficesBronze
Duck ScienceFind all Patokens at the LaboratoryBronze
Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck...Find all the patokens in the gameBronze
DuckingFinish the Factory without dyingBronze
DuckstepDefeat Plaganetes without repeating a phaseBronze
Dying FlockDefeat Mr. Den at the PenthouseBronze
EthnomusicologyGet an S Rank in Plaganetes's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
FireproofDefeat Vorutki without getting hitSilver
Foie GrasFind all Patokens at the Food FactoryBronze
Food FightDon't make Pizzicanatra vomitBronze
Freeze Pato!Freeze Junior in the laboratoryBronze
Full Metal PatoDefeat Brauch without getting hitSilver
Fully chargedDestroy only one battery at a time in Brauch's fightBronze
Gambling DucksFind all the Patokens at the CasinoBronze
German studiesGet an S Rank in Brauch's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
Greeting DucksFind all Patokens at the LobbyBronze
Happy FamilyOpen all the doors at the living quartersBronze
Helloooo Nurse! (secret)Defeat Faith without getting hitSilver
IronchefDefeat Pizzicanatra without getting hitSilver
Just an imitationDefeat Dark PatoBronze
Lazy eyeDefeat Dark Pato without missing a single eye shineBronze
Lucky 7Defeat Kilpatrick at the CasinoBronze
No flying allowedDefeat Mr. Den at the HeliportBronze
OrnithologyGet an S Rank in Boss Rush mode in Arcade ModeBronze
Party hardDefeat Plaganetes at the LaboratoryBronze
PatogodFull mastery of Pato Box!Platinum
Pest ControlDefeat Vorutki at the SewersBronze
Physical EducationGet an S Rank in Kilpatrick's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
PyrotechnicsGet an S Rank in Vorutki's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
RetributionFinish story mode.Bronze
Rush of DeathFinish the Boss Rush in Arcade ModeBronze
Sherlock DuckOpen the secret door in the lobbyBronze
Spending time at the ArcadeDefeat all the bosses in Arcade ModeBronze
Suit upGet ready for business at the officeBronze
The End (secret)Getting answersGold
The real bossDefeat Mr. Den without getting hitSilver
ToxicologyGet an S Rank in Faith's fight in Arcade ModeBronze
Treason (secret)Defeat Faith at the PenthouseBronze
UntouchableDefeat Dark Pato without getting hitBronze
Vermin MathematicsFind all the rats in the sewersBronze
Who is laughing now?Interrupt Kilpatrick's headbutt 5 times before defeating himBronze
Winners don't use drugsDon't let the penthouse boss use the syringe on youBronze
WINNINGWin the first prize on the rouletteBronze