Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PlayStation 4)


Debug Modes

Input the buttons anywhere in the game. The "Limited Debug Mode" code needs to be entered first and the "Full Debug Mode" code entered second. There is a chime after each debug mode is entered. Directions are entered using the directional pad. The left analog stick should be held still while L3 is held down. These codes work on all final versions of all releases of this game. Note that for the Vita releases, use the rear touch pad to replace buttons: top-left for L2, bottom-left for L3, top-right for R2, and bottom-right for R3. Those codes requiring a second controller will not work on Vita.

Hold Up-Left on D-Pad and press SelectRestart the game.
L1 + L2 + R1 + R2Toggle free camera mode.
L1 + R1 (paused in power cell screen)Gain selected power cell (it is not removed from the game world)
L3 (hold while paused in power cell menu)View death counter.
L3 (on a trans-pad)Spawn the Zoomer or FlutFlut that is normally here.
L3 (on fisherman's boat or gondola)Hold L3 on either then press Circle when prompted to use them without unlocking them first.
L3 + Circle (near a warp gate)Open all warp destinations.
L3Various debug functions.
R2 (after taking damage)Restore 1 health.
R3 (on Controller 2)Display debug text.
Triangle (on Controller 2)Toggle debug text.
While holding L3, press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, X, X, Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down2nd Code - Full Debug Mode.
While holding L3, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle1st Code - Limited Debug Mode.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Battle HardenedThe Final Battle Against Gol and MaiaGold
Black ThumbDefeat the Dark Eco PlantSilver
BuzzedCollect 49 Scout FliesSilver
Buzzin'Collect 28 Scout FliesBronze
Catch as Catch CanCatch the Flying LurkersSilver
De-KlawwedDefeat KlawwSilver
Eggs Over HardPush the Flut Flut Egg Off the CliffBronze
Gimmee That!Get the Power Cell from the PelicanBronze
Green ThumbCure Dark Eco Infected PlantsSilver
Hand Over FishCatch 200 Pounds of FishBronze
Hey, Set Me Free!Free the Yellow SageBronze
Hungry?Protect Farthy's SnacksBronze
I Got The BluesNavigate the Blue Precursor RingsBronze
It's Cold Out HereStop the 3 Lurker Glacier TroopsSilver
It's Dark in HereSurvive the Lurker Infested CaveBronze
Kerblamm!Destroy the Dark Eco CrystalsSilver
Maximum Power!Collect 101 Power CellsGold
No, Set Me Free!Free the Blue SageBronze
Open Sez MeOpen the Precursor DoorBronze
Pop Goes the LurkerDestroy the Balloon LurkersBronze
Power ChordsCollect 50 Power CellsSilver
Power LunchCollect 25 Power CellsBronze
Purple PainNavigate the Purple Precursor RingsBronze
Set Me Free Already!Free the Green SageBronze
Set Me Free!Free the Red SageBronze
Shiny Happy SteeplesConnect the Eco BeamsSilver
Speedy FastBeat the Record Time on the GorgeSilver
The Lead ZeppelinBreak all Four Tethers to the ZeppelinSilver
The OrberatorCollect 1000 Precursor OrbsSilver
The OrbistCollect 100 Precursor OrbsBronze
The Super OrberatorCollect 2000 Precursor OrbsGold
Tonight's Featured EventDefeat Lurker Ambush in ArenaBronze
Top of the HeapYou have mastered the game and collected all there is to collect!Platinum
Totally Buzzed Out!Collect 112 Scout FliesGold
Twist and ShoutDefeat the Lurker AmbushBronze
Yee Haw!Herd the Yakows in to their PenBronze
Zoom Zoom!Reach the End of the Mountain PassBronze
Zoom!Reach the End of Fire CanyonBronze
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!Reach the End of the Lava TubeBronze