Ginsei Mahjong: Honkaku AI Tousai (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Acquire Top PlaceGet 1st place in one match.Bronze
Baiman or HigherWin one hand capped at the Baiman limit (or above).Gold
East 2 HandStorm into the East 2 hand of a match.Bronze
FurikomiPay for an opponent's Ron win.Bronze
Haneman or HigherWin one hand capped at the Haneman limit (or above).Silver
Mangan or HigherWin one hand capped at the Mangan limit (or above).Silver
Ron WinWin one hand by Ron.Bronze
Strongest ImprovementGet 1st place in one match including Razan. (9-star player)Gold
Tsumo WinWin one hand by Tsumo.Bronze