Figment (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Back into ShapeEarn first bonus health pointBronze
BlademasterHit 3 enemies at once with heavy attackBronze
Bug SquasherRemove all Spiders from Clockwork TownBronze
Checking the GearsKnock on all doors in Clockwork TownSilver
Deadly spinKill 2 enemies at once with a heavy attackBronze
Distant MemoriesCollect half the memoriesSilver
ExterminatorRemove all Plague Rats from Freedom IslesBronze
Figment of SteelEarn third bonus health pointSilver
I Remember That....Collect one memorySilver
Lovecraftian ShenanigansRemove all Tentacles in the PathwayBronze
Noisy NeighborKnock on all doors in Outer Cerebrum and Cerebrum CitySilver
NostalgiaGo back to Freedom Isles and Clockwork Town after defeating their nightmaresBronze
Not Skipping Leg DayEarn second bonus health pointBronze
Now it all Makes Sense!Collect all the memoriesGold
PlatinumPlatinum trophyPlatinum
Seeking InspirationKnock on all doors in Freedom IslesSilver
Time for TeaCollect the Kettle Brothers' memorySilver
Turning on the LightCollect the light bulb houses' memorySilver
WaterboyCollect the memory in the PathwayGold