Detached (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
AceWin multiplayer game without being disruptedBronze
Being Doc BrownGet hit by reactor discharge and liveSilver
Brothers in ArmsRescue PilotSilver
BurglarBreak glass using shieldBronze
CastawayCollect all canisters on Level 3Bronze
Critter MazeComplete Collider in less than 35 secondsSilver
DisruptorDisrupt turret in EpilogueBronze
Down with the TyrantDisrupt drone on Level 3Silver
EscapeeComplete Epilogue in less than 30 minutesBronze
EvasiveDon't get shot by turrets in EpilogBronze
ExpertComplete game on SimulationGold
Extra MileUse all acceleration tubes on Level 1Bronze
FastComplete Level 1 in less than 30 minutesBronze
Fast TravelUse all acceleration tubes on Level 3Bronze
First BloodPlay multiplayer gameBronze
First WinWin multiplayer gameBronze
FugitiveCollect all nands in EpilogBronze
FuriousComplete Level 3 in less than 30 minutesBronze
Get them allEarn all trophiesPlatinum
Hitting the Nail on the HeadComplete Power Inverter without triggering discharge eventBronze
HoarderCollect all nands in gameSilver
Kessel RunComplete Race in less than 40 secondsSilver
Last secondJump from capsule at the last secondSilver
Lovering ShieldsWin multiplayer game without being shieldBronze
MaroonCollect all canisters on Level 1Bronze
Mr MagooAvoid discharge hit in Power InverterBronze
No RefillComplete Level 1 without collecting extra canistersBronze
Not a ScratchDon't hit anything in Level 2Silver
On the First TryComplete Engine on Level 3 in 2 minutesBronze
Only Fumes LeftComplete Epilog without collecting extra canistersBronze
Outdoor EnthusiastSpend more than 75% of the time in space on Level 1Bronze
PacifistWin multiplayer game without being disruptBronze
PrisonerCollect all canisters in EpilogueBronze
ProfessionalComplete game on AstronautSilver
RepairmanCollect all nands on Level 3Bronze
RookieComplete TutorialBronze
Scraping the BarrelComplete Level 3 without collecting extra canistersBronze
Shut InSpend more than 75% of the time indoors on Level 1Bronze
Sneaky BastardNever get noticed by drone on Level 3Silver
Space TouristComplete game on ArcadeBronze
SpeedrunnerComplete single-player in less than 1 hourGold
SupercruiseComplete Race in less than 1 minuteBronze
SurvivorCollect all canisters in the gameSilver
TinkererCollect all nands on Level 1Bronze
UntouchableDon't get shot by drone on Level 3Bronze
VandalBreak glass using boxBronze
Visit in ChernobylVisit reactor chamber after it is activatedBronze