Catlateral Damage (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
All Pawerful (Gold)Max out all skills.
Big Meowth (Bronze)Meow a lot.
Bigger Meowth (Silver)Meow a whole bunch.
Cat Nap (Bronze)Take a nap.
Cat Training Complete! (Bronze)Complete the tutorial.
Cataclysm (Silver)Complete 50 levels total in Objective Mode.
Catastrophe (Bronze)Complete 10 levels total in Objective Mode.
Furiends Furever (Gold)Unlock all playable cats.
Hovercat (Bronze)Stay airborne for 3 seconds.
Litterbox Whiz (Silver)Get a score of 2,000 or more in Litterbox Mode.
Look Ma, No Paws! (Silver)Complete an objective without using paws.
Major Mess Maker (Silver)Knock over 5,000 objects.
Mess Maker (Bronze)Knock over 1,000 objects.
Mine! (Bronze)Carry an object for 1 minute.
Mouse Catcher (Bronze)Catch a mouse.
Mouse Hunter (Silver)Catch 10 mice.
Night at the Mewseum (Bronze)Unlock and complete the mewseum in Objective Mode.
Objective Pro (Silver)Get a score of 2,000 or more in Objective Mode.
Pawlatinum! (Platinum)Unlock all other trophies.
Photo Collector (Silver)Collect 100 photos.
Photo Gatherer (Bronze)Collect 10 photos.
Photo Hoarder (Gold)Collect 200 photos.
Purrfessional Cathlete (Gold)Play with 100 cat toys.
Seeing Red (Bronze)Defeat the laser pointer.
Supermarkat Sweep (Bronze)Unlock and complete the supermarkat in Objective Mode.
The Cat Life (Bronze)Be a cat for 30 minutes straight.
These and Those (Silver)Topple 150 unique objects.
This Thing in Particular (Bronze)Only knock over 1 object in a level.
This and That (Bronze)Topple 50 unique objects.
Time Trial (Silver)Finish an objective in under 1 minute 30 seconds.
Time to Clean the Litterbox (Bronze)Play in Litterbox Mode for an hour.
Ultra Mess Maker (Gold)Knock over 20,000 objects.
Well Behaved (Bronze)Don't knock over anything in a level.