Carnivores (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
AccountantGet a T-Rex on 3 different islands.Silver
ApprenticeSuccessfully shoot 5 targets with 5 shots in the Shooting Range.Bronze
Back to the BasicsGet 3 dinosaurs without any helper equipment.Silver
CarnivoresCarnivores Platinum.Platinum
CollectorSet up a Trophy Gallery full of dinosaurs.Bronze
DeadeyeShoot all the ammo at living dinosaurs during a single session.Gold
DefenderHunt a dinosaur that is attacking you.Bronze
ExpertGet a trophy with a single 600m Sniper Rifle shot.Gold
First bloodGet your very first trophy.Bronze
Half-dozenGet every huntable dinosaur.Bronze
Hunger GamerOne-Hit takedown 3 eating dinosaurs.Silver
Hunting StreakPlay 16 successful hunts in a row.Silver
King of the IslandGet all dinosaurs on an island in a single hunt.Gold
MarksmanGet a trophy with a single 200m Rifle shot.Bronze
Master hunterGet your very first T-Rex.Bronze
No Time for RestOne-Hit takedown 3 resting dinosaurs.Silver
One-hit WonderGet a carnivore with a single shot while being unnoticed by him.Gold
Penta TrickerOne-Hit takedown 5 dinosaurs in a single session.Silver
PerfectionGet a carnivore with a single shot while being unnoticed by any dinosaur.Gold
Predator Becomes a PreyOne-Hit takedown 3 carnivores eating other dinosaurs.Silver
RookieFirst evacuation with at least one evacuated dinosaur.Bronze
SharpshooterGet a trophy with a single 400m Crossbow shot.Silver
SlayerGet any carnivore on each island.Silver
Speed RunnerHunt and evacuate a dinosaur in 2 minutes or less from a session start.Silver
Speedy HuntzalesGet 3 dinosaurs within a minute with 3 shots.Gold
Sweet spotGet a dinosaur with a single shot.Bronze
Thirsty HunterOne-Hit takedown 3 drinking dinosaurs.Silver
TravellerVisit all islands.Bronze
Wild, Wild WestGet a carnivore with a revolver only.Silver