BugsBox (PlayStation 4)


Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
3 ComboGet 3 Combo.Bronze
Achieve 10,000 PointsAchieve 10,000 points.Bronze
Achieve 100,000 PointsAchieve 100,000 points.Silver
Achieve 50,000 PointsAchieve 50,000 points.Bronze
Boom10 bombs exploded.Bronze
Boooooom50 bombs exploded.Silver
Box BreakerBreak 100 boxes.Bronze
Box SweeperBreak all blocks in the stage 10 times.Bronze
Bug HunterKill 100 bugs.Bronze
Candybox BeginnerAttach all the candyboxes.Bronze
Candybox LoverAttach all the candyboxes 10 times.Silver
Candybox MasterAttach all the candyboxes 50 times.Gold
EXTRA BeginnerGet 100 alphabet balloons.Bronze
EXTRA CollectorMake EXTRA.Bronze
EXTRA MasterMake EXTRA 50 times.Gold
Fireant-HunterKill 100 fireants.Bronze
Firefly-HunterKill 100 fireflies.Bronze
I Like StunningGet 100 stun items.Bronze
Ice Skate AmatureWalk on an ice tile 50 times.Bronze
Ice Skate BeginnerWalk on an ice tile 10 times.Bronze
Ice Skate MasterWalk on an ice tile 100 times.Silver
Infinite BeginnerClear 10th wave.(Infinite Mode)Bronze
Jelly BreakerBreak 100 jellies.Bronze
Kaboooooooom100 bombs exploded.Gold
Ladybug-HunterKill 100 ladybugs.Bronze
Mud PlayPop 50 mud balloons.Bronze
PlatinumAchieve all the trophies.Platinum
Play On The DesertEnter the desert stage.(Classic Mode)Bronze
Play On The GrassEnter the grass stage.(Classic Mode)Bronze
Play On The Ice HillEnter the ice hill stage.(Classic Mode)Bronze
Play On The Volcanic FieldEnter the Volcanic stage.(Classic Mode)Bronze
Stag Beatle-HunterKill 100 stag beatles.Bronze
Stage AdventurerClear 50 stages.(Classic Mode)Silver
Stage BeginnerClear 10 stages.(Classic Mode)Bronze
Stage MasterClear 100 stages.(Classic Mode)Gold
Step On BugsStep on 250 bugs which become smaller.Silver
True Box BreakerBreak 1000 boxes.Silver
True Box SweeperBreak all blocks in the stage 50 times.Silver
True Bug HunterKill 1000 bugs.Silver
Water PlayPop 50 water balloons.Bronze