Bring Them Home (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
50 restarts (secret)Complete the game within 50 restartsGold
Betta planetFinish 20 levelsBronze
Bring Them Home!Complete all levelsSilver
Crash master (secret)Crash fragile astronaut three timesBronze
Fast brainFast level solvingBronze
Gamma planetFinish 30 levelsBronze
Half of gameComplete half of gameBronze
Mega brain!Complete level #30 without restartsSilver
One attemptComplete an level without restartBronze
Score hunter!Get more than 2000000 scoresBronze
Welcome to space!Complete all tutorial levelsBronze
Zetta planetFinish 40 levelsSilver