Book of Regrets, The (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
1337 skillzObtain both items in the Labyrinth in one playthroughBronze
A King's TaleRead about an old hero turned corruptBronze
A True MonsterCollect all journal entriesSilver
Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Dat (secret)Reject the Angel of Death's quizBronze
Art AficionadoSolve an artsy puzzleBronze
BRT (secret)Reach the Fields with the fewest number of area changesBronze
Burn, Baby, Burn! (secret)Defeat the Monster by luring it into the fireBronze
ChurchgoerReach the ChurchBronze
Close CallEscape the Labyrinth with an itemBronze
CodebreakerOpen the FurnaceBronze
CompulsiveObtain all items across multiple playthroughsGold
CrankyObtain the MapBronze
Dire EscapeEscape the Torture ChamberBronze
EfficientDefeat all possible enemies in one playthroughSilver
Explosive Effects (secret)Defeat the Monster by exploding hazardous materialsBronze
Freedom FighterUnlock the door to the endBronze
Health Nut (secret)Finish the game having reached the Fields with max healthBronze
Heroic (secret)Best the Angel of Death using a fully powered weaponSilver
I Eat Butchers For Breakfast (secret)Defeat the ButcherBronze
I. HATE. SPIDERS! (secret)Kill the Spider QueenBronze
Labyrinth of Eternity (secret)Get lost in the LabyrinthBronze
Let There Be LightObtain the LanternBronze
Master of UnlockingGain entrance to the LabyrinthBronze
MurderBe killed by the Butcher in the Torture ChamberBronze
Mysterious SaviorGlimpse into a couple's pastBronze
Peacemaker (secret)Resolve the confrontation with the Spider Queen peacefullyBronze
PlatinumThanks for playing!Platinum
Purification Complete (secret)Purify the ChildBronze
Question Marks (secret)Find the Hidden RoomBronze
Record KeeperPlay for a total of two hoursBronze
Shining Bright (secret)Fulfill the Cloaked Man's requestBronze
SpeedrunnerComplete the game in record timeSilver
StairmasterEnter the AtticBronze
Strong Willed (secret)Persevere through the Demon's illusionsBronze
That wasn't right! (secret)Follow the air at the beginning and head leftBronze
The Book of Regrets (secret)Survive with the Book of RegretsGold
The Staff of Confidence (secret)Survive with the Staff of ConfidenceGold
True Pacifist (secret)Make peace in the worldGold
Unbeliever (secret)Survive against all oddsGold
What a QTE (secret)Take no damage and defeat the MonsterBronze
World TravelerVisit all areas across multiple playthroughsSilver