Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
A Bridge Between Dream and RealityLearned about Olias's family.Bronze
Alchemist of the Mysterious DreamAcquired all trophies.Platinum
An Unexpected TalentMarveled at Gnome's artistic skill.Bronze
Barrel!!!Conducted an extensive barrel inspection.Bronze
Boundless KnowledgeReached the maximum Alchemy Level with both Sophie and Plachta.Silver
Critical Finish!Achieved Super Success more than 10 times.Bronze
Cross ... Counter!Activated the effects of talismans 15 times.Bronze
Dream ConquerorDefeated one giant enemy.Bronze
Expert GathererPlayed Major Gathering mini-games with all of the gathering tools.Silver
Fateful EncounterMet Ramizel.Bronze
Fearless ChallengerDefeated all giant enemies.Silver
First HaulPlayed a Major Gathering mini-game using any of the gathering tools.Bronze
Fledging MasterMade a promise with Plachta.Bronze
Font of InspirationDevised all possible recipes.Gold
I Must Be Dreaming!Dealt over 99999 in damage with a single attack.Silver
I'm Good at This!Learned a Bonus Skill for the first time.Bronze
I'm a Genius!Devised a new recipe.Bronze
I'm the Mayor Now!Saw Plachta accept a position of authority.Silver
If It Ain't Broke, I'll Still Fix ItReached the maximum Adventurer Grade.Silver
In MemoryJourneyed through Elvira's memories.Silver
Into the Morning LightWitnessed the end of a dream.Silver
Leave It To Me!Raised the Adventurer Grade.Bronze
Let's Get Mixing!Synthesized an item with Sophie for the first time.Bronze
Magnum OpusCreated an item with 999 quality.Silver
Mixing MasterObtained all catalysts.Bronze
Nightmare AcolytesDefeated powerful enemies haunted by nightmares in all regions.Silver
No More Mr. Sandman!Gave Pirka a pendant to stave off sleepiness.Bronze
On Dark WingsEncountered a shadow from Diebold's past.Bronze
Portent of DisasterBeheld the withering of the Dream Tree.Bronze
Premium Alchemist DiscountSpent over 100,000 Cole at Pirka's shop.Bronze
Roytale's Most Competent SlouchAssisted Kati in helping a child in Roytale.Bronze
Ruler of the DreamDefeated Frenzied Elvira on Very Hard difficulty or higher.Gold
Settling ScoresDefeated the Zmei.Bronze
That's What Friends Are ForActivated all Assist Skills at least once.Bronze
The Alchemist of HappinessLearned about Ramizel's newfound dream.Bronze
The Beginning of a LegendHelped Diebold reclaim his oath of knighthood.Bronze
The Dreaming GodAgreed to help Elvira.Bronze
The Land of DreamsArrived in Erde Wiege.Bronze
The Nightmare PassesSaved Elvira from the Groll.Silver
The Power of TwoUnleashed all Dual Triggers.Silver
Two Green ThumbsHarvested crops grown from every variety of seeds and in every greenhouse environment at least once.Bronze
Ultimate Maximum Absolute Final Strike!Broke an aura 30 times.Bronze
Veteran of Countless BattlesReached the maximum Battle Level.Silver
Weather OracleObtained all weather control tools.Bronze
WeathergirlChanged the weather.Bronze
Welcome Back!Found Plachta's soul.Bronze
What Cole Can't BuyReceived a priceless gift from Alette.Bronze
Who Do You Take Me For?Synthesized an item with Plachta for the first time.Bronze