AO Tennis (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
AcesWin a point with an ace.Bronze
Aces HighHit 100 aces in any singles game mode.Silver
At The DoubleWin the Australian Open Doubles final.Silver
BackbreakerHit 100 Backhand winners in any singles game mode.Silver
BagelledWin a set 6-0.Silver
Clear RunWin the Australian Open without dropping a set for the tournament.Gold
Comeback KidWin a five set match after being two sets down.Gold
CreationistCreate a player in the Academy.Bronze
Denied!Lose a challenged decision.Bronze
DropsyWin a point with a drop shot.Bronze
FetchWin a game by only hitting Aces.Bronze
Forehanded ComplimentHit 100 Forehand winners in any singles game mode.Silver
Grand SlammedCollect all Trophies.Platinum
Happy ReturnsHit a return winner against your opponent's serve.Bronze
Kerb StompedWin the Australian Open with Angelique Kerber.Silver
King of SpinWin a point with a top spin shot.Bronze
LobsterWin a point with a lob shot.Bronze
Many Happy ReturnsHit 50 return winnners against your opponents serve.Bronze
Max PowerHave a serve reach over 200 km/h.Bronze
Point BreakWin a game on your opponent's serve.Bronze
RaffleWin the Australian Open with Rafael Nadal.Silver
RallyingHave a 72 shot rally in a single point.Gold
Room ServiceGet 100% of first serves in for a set.Gold
Run AroundMake your opponent run 100 metres during a point.Silver
Stayin' AfiveWin 5 consecutive Matches.Silver
TENnisPlay 10 Casual Matches.Bronze
Tie FighterWin a match via a tie break.Silver
Who on earth is...?Win the Australian Open with a custom created player.Silver
Winner, Winner, Chicken DinnerHit 250 winners in all singles game modes.Gold
You Cannot Be Serious!!!Overturn a line judge's decision with a challenge.Bronze