Ace of Seafood (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Ace of AtlanticOccupy all reefsGold
Ace of SardineDefeat Super Synthesis Fish using sardine onlySilver
Big Eye in the deepDefeat a GiantSquidSilver
Boil to AliveOccupy 'Deserted house'Bronze
Fresh VictoryDefeat Super Synthesis FishSilver
InvadersRepel fish invadersSilver
Sanma FestivalOccupy 'Charcoal stove'Bronze
Seafood ExploerOccupy a reefBronze
Seafood SoldierOccupy 10 reefsBronze
Sinking a WarshipSink a warshipBronze
VampiresOccupy ’Bathtub of blood’Bronze