Stuntman Ignition (PlayStation 3)

All vehicles

Enter RANDARLUV as a code.

Cheat mode

Earn the "Legend" rank by becoming the top ranked stuntman. Then, select "Extra" at the options menu to access all cheats.

Easy two wheel

To easily perform a two wheel stunt, such as in "Clowning Around", just line up the driver side wheels and take a little
speed to master the stunt. To do it for a long time just keep going left and right (like balancing).

Extra props and tools in Stunt Creator mode

Select Extras from the Main menu. Choose Cheats. Enter COOLPROP to unlock extra props and tools in Stunt Creator mode.

Faster game speed

Enter OVERCRANK as a code. The directors voice will get higher and your car will go faster. Note: Try it for the third level on the movie (Never Kill Me Again). When you are at the end and break through the cave with the nitrous and ice blocks, they will fall fast.

Faster game speed

Enter OVERCRANK as a code. The directors voice will get higher and your car will go faster. Note: Try it for the third level on the movie (Never Kill Me Again). When you are at the end and break through the cave with the nitrous and ice
blocks, they will fall fast.

MVX Spartan

Select Extras from the Main menu. Choose Cheats. Enter FASTRIDE to unlock the MVX Spartan.

Nitro Addiction

Enter THEDUKE as a code. Press L1 for Nitro Addiction.

Track arena and Ice arena in Construction mode

Enter STEELEJUSTIN as a code.

Unknown code

Select Extras from the Main menu. Choose Cheats. Enter GFXMODES.

Unknown effect

Enter GIVEMEREPLAY as a code.

Unknown effect

Enter MCKNIGHTMARE as a code.

Unlock everything

It is WEAREFROZEN just go to the extras then go to the cheats
options then enter it.

Various Codes

Enter one of the following codes:

Code - Effect

NOBLEMAN - All items in Construction mode
SLINGPOO - Freaky Fast
ICEAGE - Ice Wheels
KUNGFOOPETE - Master code
HOLLYWOOD - Slow-Mo Cool and Thrill Cam
IMATREX - Untouchable
WEAREFROZEN - Vision Switcher