Trophy | How to unlock
All Eyes On You (Silver) | Have a media upload viewed over 200 times in its first week online
At Least You Tried (Bronze) | Achieve a very, very low score
Beat Bravo! (Gold) | Beat our resident SingStar! - score over 9344 on hard mode on any 'normal' length song
Beginner Singer (Bronze) | Sing 50 songs
Center Of Attention (Bronze) | Have a media upload viewed over 100 times in its first week online
Chatterboxes (Bronze) | Post a single comment on another player's profile page (Unlocks a PlayStation埔ome reward)
Gallery Gazer (Bronze) | View 100 snapshots, 100 audio playbacks and 100 video playbacks
Go It Alone (Silver) | Play 50 songs in Sing Solo mode
Happy Holiday! (Bronze) | Play SingStar on Christmas Day
Happy SingStar Day! (Bronze) | Play the game on the day the original SingStar premiered in Europe
In It To Win It (Silver) | Play 200 songs in Battle mode
Interior Decorator (Bronze) | Change your wallpaper 5 times
It Takes Two (Silver) | Play 200 songs in Duet mode
It's Good To Share (Bronze) | Upload 1 piece of media of any type to SingStar Online (Unlocks a PlayStation埔ome reward)
Keep It Cool (Bronze) | Achieve a 'cool' ranking on every line of a 'normal' length song
Leagues Apart (Silver) | Win a battle on hard difficulty, while your opponent plays on easy
Media Mogul (Bronze) | Save 200 pieces of media
Medley-Go-Round (Bronze) | Play 10 medleys
Meet The Locals (Bronze) | Visit 50 different Profile pages
Mirror Image (Bronze) | Complete a song using the camera feed option
Obsessive Singer (Gold) | Sing 300 songs
Pillar Of The Community (Silver) | Receive 200 visits to your Profile page
Popularity Contest (Bronze) | Make 5 SingStar friends
SingStar Celebrity (Gold) | Get a grand total of 8000 views from all your media ever
SingStarter (Bronze) | Sing your first song
Star Maker (Bronze) | Rate 30 different pieces of media
Super Singer Bronze (Bronze) | Score over 9000 on 5 different songs on Easy (Unlocks a PlayStation埔ome reward)
Super Singer Gold (Gold) | Score over 9000 on 5 different songs on Hard
Super Singer Silver (Silver) | Score over 9000 on 5 different songs on Medium
They Really Love Me (Gold) | Have a media upload rated 4 stars by at least 1000 ratings
Veteran Singer (Silver) | Sing 100 songs
Welcoming Party (Bronze) | Receive 50 visits to your Profile page
Window Shopper (Bronze) | Visit the SingStore (Unlocks a PlayStation埔ome reward)
You Are A SingStar (Platinum) | Collect every trophy in the game
Your Golden Moment (Bronze) | Fill every bonus note in a 'normal' length song