Pure (PlayStation 3)


ATV shells

Finish in first place in all events in the tenth stage to successfully complete World Tour mode. You will unlock alternate ATV shells for each character.

Brett Taylor

Successfully complete all the events in World Tour mode.

Easy points

Hold any of the main controller buttons during a front or back flip. You will do an alternate flip and get more points/boost.


Pause for several seconds at the start of a Freestyle race to allow the power-ups to regenerate. You can then collect all of them.


1. If you can’t place in an event, move on and come back to it later. Winning other events further in the Tour will unlock new parts to beef up your bike. Then come back and ace those troublesome tracks.

2. Finishing the World Tour requires you to get 1st place in every event in the 10th stage. Do this, and you’ll unlock character-specific ATV shells for every character in the game.

3. In Freestyle events, go for the Star powerup as early as possible. The sooner you can pull off a special trick, the better.

4. Holding down a face button while doing a front or back flip will modify your flip and give you even more points/boost.

5. A purely freestlye bike isn’t always best for every freestlye track. If you’re having trouble winning a freestyle event with a freestyle bike, try your race bike instead. Sometimes being fast over jumps is more important than getting air.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
1 of a kind (Bronze)Build an ATV from scratch in the garage.
5 in a row (Gold)Come first in 5 online events in row.
Comeback kid (Silver)Come from last place on the last lap to win a race event in World Tour Mode.
Completed stage 1 (Bronze)Place first in all four events in Stage 1.
Completed stage 2 (Bronze)Place first in all four events in Stage 2.
Completed stage 3 (Bronze)Place first in all four events in Stage 3.
Completed stage 4 (Bronze)Place first in all four events in Stage 4.
Completed stage 5 (Bronze)Place first in all five events in Stage 5.
Completed stage 6 (Bronze)Place first in all five events in Stage 6.
Completed stage 7 (Bronze)Place first in all five events in Stage 7.
Completed stage 8 (Bronze)Place first in all six events in Stage 8.
Completed stage 9 (Bronze)Place first in all six events in Stage 9.
Completed stage 10 (Bronze)Place first in all seven events in Stage 10.
Finished an event (Bronze)Complete an event.
Flawless event (Bronze)Complete a World Tour event without dismounting.
Flawless lap (Bronze)Complete a lap of a Race event in World Tour without dismounting.
Freestyler (Silver)Extend a Freestyle session past the third lap.
Fresh air (Silver)Win a Freestyle event with Fresh tricks only.
Full speed ahead (Bronze)Hold down the gas for the entire event and finish in the first place.
Fully loaded (Bronze)Unlock and then fill all ten ATV slots in the garage.
Grease monkey (Silver)Earn a 1st place with every engine type in World Tour Mode.
Hang time (Bronze)Spending 150+ seconds in the air and win the same event.
Killer combo! (Gold)Perform a combo of at least 250,000 points.
Learner driver (Bronze)Lap another rider in offline sprint track event.
Mechanic (Bronze)Build five ATVs, each with a different engine.
Nice combo! (Bronze)Perform a combo of at least 50,000 points.
No messing (Silver)Complete World Tour Mode while participating in a maximum of 42 events.
No pain, no gain (Bronze)Crash ten times and still win an event.
Online champ (Silver)Come first in a online championship.
Pure perfection (Gold)Come first in every event in the Pure World Tour.
Pure platinum (Platinum)Acquire all Pure trophies.
Show off (Bronze)Win a Race of Sprint event and cross the line while doing a Wheelie on every
Sick combo! (Silver)Perform a combo of at least 125,000 points.
Specialised (Silver)Perform 8 different special tricks in a single World Tour event.
Tricked out (Silver)Perform every normal trick in a single World Tour event.
Triple flip (Silver)Pull of a 1080 forward or backward rotation in a single jump.
Two time! (Silver)Perform two special tricks in 1 jump.
Underdog (Silver)Use a class D engine to beat an opponent with a class A engine in a ranked match.
Win online (Bronze)Come first in an online event.
You reckon? (Bronze)Pull a special trick on a sprint track.
You're special! (Silver)Perform every special trick in the game.
Zero to hero (Silver)Acquire a special trick within 30 secs of a Race starting.