Painkiller: Hell & Damnation (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Annihilation (Silver)Kill 6666 enemies with stakes.
Barrel killer (Bronze)Destroy 300 barrels.
Blessing (Bronze)Enclave: Kill Necrogiant in under 2:00 (Solo Campaign).
Bullet Spammer (Silver)Shoot 50000 times.
Bunny the Rabbit (Silver)Spend 666 seconds on bunny-hopping.
Calamity (Gold)Kill 500 enemies with environmental explosions.
Chop-Chop (Silver)Gib 500 enemies entirely with rockets.
Confusion (Bronze)Lab: Morph into demon 3 times (Solo Campaign).
Dark Soul (Bronze)Opera: Find all secret areas (Solo Campaign).
Depot (Silver)Collect 500 ammo crates.
Dexterity (Bronze)Swamp: Kill SwampThing in under 4:00 (Solo Campaign).
Divine Intervention (Bronze)Loonypark: Possess 25 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign).
Double Haste (Bronze)Opera: Collect 100 souls (Solo Campaign).
Double Time Bonus (Bronze)Colloseum: Pick up every ammo box (Solo Campaign).
Endurance (Bronze)Cemetery: Beat the level (Solo Campaign).
Fallen (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Finish 2nd chapter.
Farm Master (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Collect 2012 pieces of gold from fallen enemies.
Five at Once (Bronze)Kill 5 enemies with one rocket.
Fury (Bronze)Loonypark: Kill 3 monsters in a row using saw blade (Solo Campaign).
Fussy Knight (Bronze)Collect 40 armors.
Grave Hunter (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Finish 1st chapter.
Greed (Bronze)Orphanage: Kill all monsters (Solo Campaign).
Haste (Bronze)Tutorial: Destroy all objects (Solo Campaign).
Hurricane (Bronze)Kill 333 enemies with explosive weapons.
Immortal (Bronze)Kill 1000 enemies in Survival mode.
Imperfection (Bronze)Collect 667 souls of dismembered enemies.
Iron Will (Bronze)Orphanage: Gib 50 frozen enemies (Solo Campaign).
Mercy (Bronze)Shadowland: Kill Grim Reaper (Solo Campaign).
Name the Evil (Bronze)Kill 666 enemies with Soul Catcher.
New Kids On the Blob (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Finish 3rd chapter.
Nightmare Collector (Silver)Solo Campaign: Play whole game on Nightmare difficulty level.
Platinum (Platinum)Unlock all Trophies In the game.
Promoter (Bronze)Capture 3 flags playing as Eve in one game.
Puncture (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Finish the level using stakes only and don't miss any hit.
Rage (Bronze)Shadowland: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign).
Real colleague (Gold)Play 10 different levels in cooperative mode.
Replenish (Bronze)Colloseum: Morph into demon 3 times (Solo Campaign).
Road Roller (Bronze)Get 30 kills in 3 minutes in Deathmatch mode.
Soul Catcher (Bronze)Trainstation: Cut limbs of 100 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign).
Soul Keeper (Bronze)Atrium Complex: Finish level in under 7:00 (Solo Campaign).
Soul Redeemer (Bronze)Oriental Castle: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign).
Speed (Bronze)Cathedral: Collect 330 pieces of gold dropped by enemies (Solo Campaign).
Time Bonus (Bronze)Oriental Castle: Gib 123 enemies (Solo Campaign).
Trauma Survived (Gold)Solo Campaign: Play whole game on Trauma difficulty level.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze)Solo Campaign: Find 25 secret areas.
Triple Haste (Bronze)Alastor: Kill Alastor in under 5:00 (Solo Campaign).
Upside-Down (Silver)Kill 999 enemies with Shotgun.
Vitality (Bronze)Cathedral: Collect 500 gold (Solo Campaign).
Warlock (Bronze)Kill 123 enemies with combo damage.