Trophy | How to unlock
A Winter's Tale (Gold) | Complete the 'Patagonia' campaign.
All God's Creatures (Silver) | Locate all animals of interest in the Everglades.
Animal Kingdom (Silver) | Locate all animals of interest in the Rockies.
As I Scan This Wasted Land (Gold) | Complete the 'Sahara' campaign.
Bear Grylls (Gold) | Reach the Level 'Bear Grylls.'
Bob's Boats (Bronze) | Find all of Bob McClure's boats in the Everglades.
Born Survivor (Gold) | Complete all episodes without passing out.
Casted Away (Bronze) | Find all of the man-made items in Deserted Island.
Down in the Low Low Land (Gold) | Complete the 'Everglades' campaign.
Flight 815 (Silver) | Find all of the plane debris in Deserted Island.
Get All Trophies (Platinum) | Get all the Trophies.
Hard to Pronounce, Hard to Find (Silver) | Find all five Andiperia Willinki bugs in Patagonia.
Horticulturist Grylls (Silver) | Locate the rare plants in the Rockies.
Nice Place You Had Here (Bronze) | Locate all of the trash in Patagonia.
Only Hope Can Keep Me Together (Gold) | Complete the 'Deserted Island' campaign.
Osteologist Grylls (Silver) | Find all of the camel bones in the Sahara.
Pack Rat Grylls (Bronze) | Tag all of the junk in the Everglades.
Patton was Here (Bronze) | Find all of the WWII artifcats in the Sahara.
Reminders of the Rush (Bronze) | Locate all of the Gold Rush trash in the Rockies.
Rocky Mountain High (Gold) | Complete the 'Rocky Mountains' campaign.
These Belong in a Museum (Silver) | Find all of the ancient artifacts in the Sahara.
Wild, Man! (Silver) | Complete the 'Base Camp' campaign.