Mahjong World (PlayStation 3)


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
100-Match Breakthrough ( Bronze )Complete 100 matches.
100-Win Achievement ( Bronze )Win 100 matches.
200-Match Breakthrough ( Silver )Complete 200 matches.
200-Win Achievement ( Silver )Win 200 matches.
50-Win Achievement ( Bronze )Win 50 matches.
Baiman Win ( Bronze )Win a hand worth 8, 9 or 10 Han (doubles), i.e. one capped at the Baiman limit.
Buttobashi ( Bronze )Bust two players and finish in first place.
Five-Yaku Combination ( Bronze )Win a hand with five or more Yaku (scoring elements).
Kyuudan Accession ( Silver )Attain the 9th Dan rank.
Sanbaiman Win ( Silver )Win a hand worth 11 or 12 Han (doubles), i.e. one capped at the Sanbaiman limit.
Shodan Accession ( Bronze )Attain the 1st Dan rank.
Yakuman Win ( Gold )Win with a Yakuman (limit hand).