Krinkle Krusher (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
50 shades of bones (Bronze)Defeat the Kranium Krinkle.
Bombs Away! (Bronze)Knock back the Mecha Krinkle with his own bomb.
Call 2 Duty (Bronze)Show who's the best by defending the castle!
Heavy Metal (Bronze)Defeat the Mecha Krinkle.
I'm the one who Knocks... Back! (Bronze)Knock back the King with spikes and tornados.
Krin-KABUM! (Bronze)Use an elemental krinkle explosion to kill 4 other krinkles.
Let's make some magic! (Bronze)Unlock the Mage's Room.
Say "Hello" to my little friends! (Bronze)Get all spells.
Spellcraft (Silver)Upgrade the 5 elemental rings to level 5.
That’s A Spicy Meatball! (Bronze)Feed Kranium with some spicy krinkles!
The day after tomorrow (Silver)Imprison the King Krinkle forever!
The greatest mage of all time (Silver)Complete every stage with 3 stars and get all magical gems.
You shall not, pass! (Gold)Complete every stage with "Flawless Victory".