Kamen Rider: Battride War (PlayStation 3)


Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
?'s Finale! (Gold)Clear all mission in Chronicle mode.
..... You are responsible for all ..... and snow on the road of heaven (Bronze)Clear "VS fear most" mission in Chronicle mode.
Beginner rider (Bronze)Clear one rider road mode.
Figure collector (Gold)Unlock all figure.
For Agito, for human! (Bronze)Clear "soul meet called" mission in Chronicle mode.
For Smiles! (Bronze)Clear "empty our" mission in Chronicle mode.
Here we go! Boy! (Bronze)Clear "Doji Kurau demon sounds" mission in Chronicle mode.
I fight fate! (Bronze)Clear "Double Joker" mission in Chronicle mode.
I have to decide your destiny! (Bronze)I have defeated 50 boss body.
I promise, I is the last hope of you! (Bronze)Clear "As the Order of the Phoenix" mission in Chronicle mode.
I'm became a rider to protect the people! (Bronze)Clear "thought of thought of brother sister" mission in Chronicle mode.
I, calling on! (Bronze)Clear "love and reveal now management (otherwise)," mission in Chronicle mode.
It's Rider passing! (Bronze)Clear "guy the most annoying in the universe" mission in Chronicle mode.
Master rider (Gold)Clear all rider road mode.
Now, Kazoero the sins of you (Bronze)Clear "Scaled out all" mission in Chronicle mode.
Rider ultimate (Platinum)I won all the trophies.
Space Kita~tsu! (Bronze)Clear "graduation from this control" mission in Chronicle mode.
The rider will help each other (Bronze)Clear "arm grab and pants medals and Tomorrow" mission in Chronicle mode.
The Well, do you earn (Bronze)Shop point has become more than 100000.
There is no dream for me, I could but to protect (Bronze)Clear "... dream? My" mission in Chronicle mode.
Veteran rider (Silver)Clear ten rider road mode.
Well, it's lunch time! (Bronze)Total Kills become more than 5000 body.
Well, it's show time! (Bronze)Clear the first mission in Chronicle mode.
Ze go Kiba~tsu! (Bronze)Clear "of memory wake up Fang" mission in Chronicle mode.
Ze shake off! (Bronze)Mileage of the bike has become more than 42.195km.