Unlockable | How to unlock
Audio Commentary | 5 Precursor Orbs after buying scene players 1-3.
Bad Weather | 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Big Head Mode | 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Blaster Damage Upgrade | 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9.
Dark Jak Invisibility | 25 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Fast Movies | 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Hero Mode | 5 precursor orbs, after finishing the game.
Increased Blaster Gun Ammo Capacity | 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17.
Increased Peace Maker Ammo Capacity | 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19.
Increased Scatter Gun Ammo Capacity | 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17.
Increased Vulcan Fury Ammo Capacity | 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24.
Invulnerability | 100 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Jak 3 Model Viewer | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Jak And Daxter Model Viewer | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24.
Jak II Model Viewer | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25.
Level Select: ACT 1 | 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 1.
Level Select: ACT 2 | 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 2.
Level Select: ACT 3 | 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 3.
Mega Scrap Book | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Mirror World | 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Peace Maker Increased Radius | 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19.
Rachet And Clank Gun Courses | 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-12.
Scatter Gun Rate-Of-Fire Upgrade | 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9.
Scene Player Act 1 | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1.
Scene Player Act 2 | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2.
Scene Player Act 3 | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3.
Scrap Book | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24.
Slow Movies | 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Small Head Mode | 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Toggle Jak's Goatee | 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1.
Unlimited Ammo | 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Unlimited Dark Jak | 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Unlimited Light Jak | 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11.
Unlimited Vechicle Turbos | 30 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25.
Upgrade Vechicle Toughness | 15 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-14.
Vulcan Fury Damage Upgrade | 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17.
Trophy | How to unlock
Bot Bot Boom Boom (Bronze) | Protect Hideout from Bomb Bots.
Cha-ching (Bronze) | Collect Money for Krew.
Clap Hands (Silver) | Get Seal Piece at Dig.
Dead and Gone (Bronze) | Retrieve Banner from Dead Town.
Doggin' the Hellcats (Bronze) | Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers.
Don't Let Him Get Away (Silver) | Defeat Baron at Palace.
Done Done Done (Platinum) | For excellent and dedicated field work in the field of battle for completion.
Finders Keepers (Bronze) | Find Sig in Underport.
Grin and Baron It (Silver) | Defeat Baron in Mar's Tomb.
Head Cheese (Silver) | Collect 250 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Head Master (Gold) | Collect 510 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Head Over Heels (Bronze) | Collect 50 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Heavy Distortion (Bronze) | Attack the Metal Head Nest.
I Heart Heart (Bronze) | Get Heart of Mar in Weapons Lab.
Just the Artifacts Ma'am (Bronze) | Find 3 Artifacts in Mountain Temple.
Kaboom! (Bronze) | Blow up Ammo at Fortress.
Kersplash! (Bronze) | Destroy Equipment at Dig.
Lost and Found (Silver) | Find Pumping Station Patrol.
More Power to You (Bronze) | Turn on 5 Power Switches.
No Man is a Canyon (Bronze) | Use Items in No Man's Canyon.
Over Easy (Silver) | Destroy Eggs at Drill Platform.
Pedal to the Metal (Gold) | Destroy Metal Kor at Nest.
Poor Kid (Bronze) | Protect Kor and Kid.
Scout's Honor (Bronze) | Catch Scouts in Haven Forest.
Signature Moves (Bronze) | Protect Sig at Pumping Station.
Skip the Stairs (Bronze) | Ride Elevator up to Palace.
Speed Quicker (Silver) | Win Class 2 Race at Stadium.
Speed Speedily (Gold) | Win Class 1 Race in Stadium.
Speeding Slowly (Bronze) | Win Class 3 Race at Stadium.
Strip Mine, Not Yours (Bronze) | Blow up Strip Mine in Eco Wells.
Stripped Down (Bronze) | Rescue Vin at Strip Mine.
Sunken Ship (Bronze) | Destroy Ship at Drill Platform.
Testosterone (Silver) | Pass the Tests of Manhood.
The Collectationator! (Gold) | Collect 286 Precursor Orbs.
The Collectivist (Silver) | Collect 125 Precursor Orbs.
The Collector (Bronze) | Collect 25 Precursor Orbs.
Timber! (Bronze) | Destroy Drill Platform Tower.
Turrets Syndrome (Bronze) | Destroy Turrets in Sewers.
We're All Friends Here (Bronze) | Rescue Friends at Fortress.
What's That Smell? (Bronze) | Escort Men Through Sewers.
Who Knew Krew Blew? (Silver) | Beat Krew in Weapons Lab.
Trophy | How to unlock
Art or Facts? (Bronze) | Race for Artifacts.
Batter the Boss (Silver) | Beat Cyber-Errol Boss.
Beat It (Bronze) | Beat Kleiver in Desert Race.
Big Tower Fall Down (Silver) | Destroy Metal Head Tower.
Black Thumb Too (Bronze) | Kill Dark Plants in Forest.
Blam! (Bronze) | Break Barrier with Blast Bot.
Bombs on a Train (Bronze) | Escort Bomb Train.
Boom Bada Boom (Bronze) | Destroy Incoming Blast Bots.
Bossing the Bot Boss (Silver) | Defeat Veger's Precursor Robot.
Can Can Cannon (Silver) | Destroy Sniper Cannons.
Clear Vision (Bronze) | Activate Astro-Viewer in Forest.
Crunched (Bronze) | Destroy Eggs in Nest.
Do Gooder (Silver) | Rescue Wastelanders 2.
Duck and Dodge (Bronze) | Reach Catacombs via Palace Ruins.
Dude in Distress (Bronze) | Rescue Seem at Temple.
Empty Nesters (Bronze) | Destroy Metal-pedes in Nest.
Ex-plorer (Bronze) | Explore Eco Mine.
Fait Accompli (Platinum) | For Stamina and Time On Your Hands and an insatiable need for completion.
Gate Crasher Masher (Bronze) | Defend Spargus' Front Gate.
Head Over Here (Gold) | Collect 250 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Hi Jak! (Bronze) | Hijack Eco Vehicle.
Hot Babe (Bronze) | Defend Ashelin at Oasis.
I Smell A Rat (Bronze) | Catch Kanga-Rats.
I Want to Destroy! (Bronze) | Destroy War Factory Defenses.
Is It Hot in Here? (Bronze) | Hang Glide to Volcano.
My Head Hurts (Silver) | Collect 125 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Oh My Head (Bronze) | Collect 25 Metal Head Skull Gems.
Plasma Ball (Bronze) | Destroy Dark Ship.
Port to Starboard (Silver) | Defend Port from Attack.
Railing at the Wind (Bronze) | Travel through Catacomb Subrails.
Shields are Down (Bronze) | Destroy Dark Ship Shield.
Shoot 'em High (Bronze) | Defend Spargus from Attack.
Swamp Gas (Bronze) | Reach Port via Sewer.
Swimming Hole (Bronze) | Reach Metal Head Area via Sewer.
Switcheroo (Bronze) | Find Switch in Sewers.
Taking Him Down (Gold) | Destroy Final Boss.
Tanks for the Mammaries (Bronze) | Destroy Dark Eco Tanks.
The Beast Beater (Bronze) | Destroy Metal Head Beasts.
The Best Defense (Bronze) | Defend HQ from Attack.
The Masked Marauders (Silver) | Take Out Marauder Stronghold.
The Orbiter of Faith (Bronze) | Collect 50 Precursor Orbs.
The Orbiter of Record (Gold) | Collect 600 Precursor Orbs.
The Orbiter of Taste (Silver) | Collect 300 Precursor Orbs.
They Were Ruined Anyway (Bronze) | Break through Ruins.
World Wild Fight (Bronze) | Defeat Marauders in Arena.
Yippie Ki-Yay (Bronze) | Corral Wild Leapers.
Zoom Zoom (Bronze) | Race for More Artifacts.
Trophy | How to unlock
Battle Hardened (Gold) | The Final Battle Against Gol and Maia.
Black Thumb (Silver) | Defeat the Dark Eco Plant.
Buzzed (Silver) | Collect 49 Scout Flies.
Buzzin' (Bronze) | Collect 28 Scout Flies.
Catch as Catch Can (Silver) | Catch the Flying Lurkers.
De-Klawwed (Silver) | Defeat Klaww.
Eggs Over Hard (Bronze) | Push the Flut Flut Egg Off the Cliff.
Gimmee That! (Bronze) | Get the Power Cell from the Pelican.
Green Thumb (Silver) | Cure Dark Eco Infected Plants.
Hand Over Fish (Bronze) | Catch 200 Pounds of Fish.
Hey, Set Me Free! (Bronze) | Free the Yellow Sage.
Hungry? (Bronze) | Protect Farthy's Snacks.
I Got The Blues (Bronze) | Navigate the Blue Precursor Rings.
It's Cold Out Here (Silver) | Stop the 3 Lurker Glacier Troops.
It's Dark in Here (Bronze) | Survive the Lurker Infested Cave.
Kerblamm! (Silver) | Destroy the Dark Eco Crystals.
Maximum Power! (Gold) | Collect 101 Power Cells.
No, Set Me Free! (Bronze) | Free the Blue Sage.
Open Sez Me (Bronze) | Open the Precursor Door.
Pop Goes the Lurker (Bronze) | Destroy the Balloon Lurkers.
Power Chords (Silver) | Collect 50 Power Cells.
Power Lunch (Bronze) | Collect 25 Power Cells.
Purple Pain (Bronze) | Navigate the Purple Precursor Rings.
Set Me Free Already! (Bronze) | Free the Green Sage.
Set Me Free! (Bronze) | Free the Red Sage.
Shiny Happy Steeples (Silver) | Connect the Eco Beams.
Speedy Fast (Silver) | Beat the Record Time on the Gorge.
The Lead Zeppelin (Silver) | Break all Four Tethers to the Zeppelin.
The Orberator (Silver) | Collect 1000 Precursor Orbs.
The Orbist (Bronze) | Collect 100 Precursor Orbs.
The Super Orberator (Gold) | Collect 2000 Precursor Orbs.
Tonight's Featured Event (Bronze) | Defeat Lurker Ambush in Arena.
Top of the Heap (Platinum) | You have mastered the game and collected all there is to collect!
Totally Buzzed Out! (Gold) | Collect 112 Scout Flies.
Twist and Shout (Bronze) | Defeat the Lurker Ambush.
Yee Haw! (Bronze) | Herd the Yakows in to their Pen.
Zoom Zoom! (Bronze) | Reach the End of the Mountain Pass.
Zoom! (Bronze) | Reach the End of Fire Canyon.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! (Bronze) | Reach the End of the Lava Tube.