Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Beattime Story (Bronze)Defeat Hansel and Gretel.
Brilliant! (Bronze)Obtain five stars in all levels.
Dream Twist (Bronze)Unlock the power to warp your dreams.
Fiery Awakening (Gold)Defeat Gurglewocky.
Flurry of Feathers (Bronze)Jump or dash onto three owls without touching the ground.
Hardcore (Bronze)Unlock Hardcore Mode.
Hardercore (Silver)Unlock Über Hardcore Mode.
Hypnotist (Bronze)Obtain a trophy in all Score Attack levels.
Microsleeper (Bronze)Obtain a trophy in all Time Attack levels.
Ruby-Red Pirouette (Bronze)Collect a red gem while twirling.
Topsy-Turvy Trampoline (Bronze)Use a spiky box like a trampoline.
Unconscious Subconscious (Silver)Defeat Octor Freud.