Ferrari Challenge: Trofeo Pirelli (PlayStation 3)


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding car. Note: To unlock all cars, finish all races in all three challenge seasons in first place.

CarHow to unlock
Ferrari 250 GTOWin the Zaffiro trophy.
Ferrari 250 LMWin the Platino trophy.
Ferrari 250 TestaRossaWin the Rubino trophy.
Ferrari 348 ChallengeComplete the Monza race (Italian Challenge).
Ferrari 348 TBFinish in third or better place at Misano (Italian Challenge).
Ferrari 360 GTWin the Topaz trophy.
Ferrari 360 ModenaWin the Perla trophy.
Ferrari 365 GTB/4 comp.Win the Obsidian trophy.
Ferrari 512 MComplete Arcade mode under the medium difficulty.
Ferrari 512 SWin the Opale trophy.
Ferrari 550 Maranello GTWin the Malachite trophy.
Ferrari 550 MaranelloWin the Tourmaline trophy.
Ferrari 575 GTCComplete Arcade mode under the easy difficulty.
Ferrari 575M MaranelloWin the Malachite trophy.
Ferrari F333 SPWin the Argento trophy.
Ferrari F355 BerlinettaWin the Perla trophy.
Ferrari F355 ChallengeWin the Paul Ricard race (Italian Challenge).
Ferrari F40Win the Bronzo trophy.
Ferrari F430 GT2Win the Carnelian trophy.
Ferrari F50Win the Bronzo trophy.
Ferrari FXXWin the Oro trophy.

Easy first place finish

In Arcade mode, keeping spinning donuts near the starting line. When the race time is over and the car in first place crosses the finish line to signal the final lap, the next car to cross the line will win. Continue doing donuts until this happens, then simply drive across the finish line. Note: This does not work on all tracks.

Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano

Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right at the main menu.

GameStop Ferrari

North America only: Press Up(2), Down(2), Left(2), Right(2), Up(2), Down(2), Left(2), Right(2) at the main menu. The sound of an engine revving will confirm correct code entry. You can now purchase the GameStop Ferrari at the showroom for free.


TrophyHow to unlock
100 Wins (Bronze Trophy)Win 100 races.
2000 On The Clock (Bronze Trophy)Race a total of 2000 miles.
American All-Star (Gold Trophy)Complete the North American Challenge with Maximum points.
Arcade Gold (Gold Trophy)Achieve a gold trophy in every arcade difficulty.
Circuits Maximus (Gold Trophy)Complete the European Challenge with Maximum points.
Congratulations (Platinum Trophy)You have successfully unlocked every trophy in Ferrari Challenge.
Double Whammy (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 2 podium placed finishes in the European Challenge series.
Euro Lap King (Bronze Trophy)Beat the Lap Record on all European circuits in Time Trial mode.
Euro Racer (Sliver Trophy)Win a race at every European circuit.
First Across The Line (Bronze Trophy)Place first at every circuit in the game.
First Challenge Win (Bronze Trophy)Win your first race in the Italian Challenge series.
Hot Shot (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 75% accuracy or above in all categories in Tutorial mode.
Italian Lap King (Bronze Trophy)Beat the Lap Record on all Italian circuits in Time Trial mode.
Italian Stallion (Sliver Trophy)Complete the Italian Challenge with Maximum points.
Numero Uno (Bronze Trophy)Achieve a pole position in Qualifying in the Italian Challenge series.
Prancing Horse (Bronze Trophy)Complete the Italian Challenge series.
The Champ (Sliver Trophy)Complete Legend difficulty in Arcade mode.
The Collector (Bronze Trophy)Unlock every Ferrari available in the game.
The Graduate (Bronze Trophy)Complete Tutorial mode for the first time.
The Perfectionist (Gold Trophy)100% completion for the entire game.
The Veteran (Bronze Trophy)Expert difficulty in Arcade mode.
Time Trial Lap King (Sliver Trophy)Beat the Lap Record on every circuit in Time Trial mode.
Trofeo Acciaio (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F575 Maranello Tournament.
Trofeo Argento (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F40 Tournament.
Trofeo Bronzo (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F575 GTC Tournament.
Trofeo Carnelian (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F360 Modena Tournament
Trofeo Diamante (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F250 GTO Tournament.
Trofeo Diasparo (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F550 Maranello GT Tournament.
Trofeo Ferro (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F348 TB Tournament.
Trofeo Granato (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F333 SP Tournament.
Trofeo Malachite (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F550 Maranello Tournament.
Trofeo Mercurio (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F430 GT2 Tournament.
Trofeo Obsidian (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the FXX Tournament.
Trofeo Opale (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F365 GTB4 Tournament.
Trofeo Oro (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F50 Tournament.
Trofeo Perla (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F355 Challenge Tournament.
Trofeo Platino (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F512 M Tournament.
Trofeo Rame (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F348 Challenge Tournament.
Trofeo Rubino (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F512 S Tournament.
Trofeo Smeraldo (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F250 Tessarossa Tournament.
Trofeo Topaz (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F355 GTB Tournament.
Trofeo Tourmaline (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F360 GT Tournament.
Trofeo Zaffiro (Bronze Trophy)Achieve 1st place in the F250 LM Tournament.
Unlock and Roll (Bronze Trophy)Unlock your first Tournament Car.
US Lap King (Bronze Trophy)Beat the Lap Record on all US circuits in Time Trial mode.
US Race Ace (Sliver Trophy)Win a race at every North American Challenge circuit.