Choplifter HD (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
All Star (Gold)Get 5 stars on all the levels.
Dinner is Served (Bronze)Kill 1000 chickens.
Get the Scoop! (Bronze)Save Scoop on every level he is present.
Goat For It! (Bronze)Make 100 goats faint.
Mission Accomplished (Silver)Complete the game on NORMAL.
No Stone Unturned (Silver)Find all the secrets.
Oopsies (Bronze)Complete a level by killing all the rescuees.
Pacifist (Silver)Complete all "Escape" missions without killing anyone.
Superhero (Silver)Complete Desert Rescue without letting any rescuees die.
Trigger Happy (Bronze)Kill 100 enemy soldiers on one level, without restarting the level.
Unfriendly Fire (Bronze)Kill 10,000 enemies across all the levels.
Zombicide (Bronze)Kill 1000 zombies.