Battle vs Chess (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Adventurer (Silver)Play 100 games (not Head to head).
Annihilator (Bronze)Capture all enemy pieces and then checkmate the king (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Bewildered (Bronze)Play a game to Stalemate (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Catcher (Bronze)Capture a Pawn 'En passant' (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Champion (Bronze)Complete 10 Order missions.
Defender (Bronze)Complete 5 Order missions.
Demon (Bronze)Complete 10 Chaos missions.
Explorer (Silver)Win a single game in every game mode (not Head to head).
Fiend Lord (Bronze)Complete 15 Chaos missions.
Fighter (Bronze)Win a Classic Game by Checkmate (not Head to head).
Fritz Killer (Gold)Beat a Level 6 AI opponent in a Classic Game.
Gambler (Silver)Complete 20 levels of the 'Treasure Hunt' challenge.
God's Beloved (Silver)Promote 3 Pawns in a single game (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Grandmaster (Gold)Reach an online rating of 1200.
Hero (Bronze)Complete 15 Order missions.
Immortal (Silver)Capture 5 pieces with the same piece during a single game (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Imp (Bronze)Complete 5 Chaos missions.
Maximalist (Platinum)Earn every trophy.
Overmind (Silver)Win 20 games online (not Head to head).
Perfectionist (Gold)Earn a Gold Medal on every mission.
Persecutor (Bronze)Place your opponent in Check 10 times in a single game (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Promoter (Bronze)Promote your Pawns to every possible major piece (not Head to head).
Reckless (Bronze)Move your King to the opposite side of the board (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Renaissance Man (Gold)Complete all challenges, puzzles and missions (not Head to head).
Revolutionist (Bronze)Place your opponent in Check by Castling (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Rising Star (Bronze)Win online game against the player with a higher rating.
Sacrifice (Bronze)Win a game while possessing 2 pieces less than your opponent (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Sage (Silver)Complete all puzzles.
Slayer (Bronze)Capture 100 pieces (not Head to head).
Sprinter (Bronze)Win a game in less than 5 minutes (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Strategist (Bronze)Win a game in less than 30 moves (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Torturer (Bronze)Place your opponent in Check using 5 different pieces in a single game (Classic Game, not Head to head).
Traveler (Silver)Play over 1000 turns (not Head to head).
Universal Soldier (Silver)Move an opponent into Checkmate using every piece (not Head to head).
Vanquisher (Silver)Earn at least a Silver Medal on every mission.
Victor (Silver)Earn at least a Bronze Medal on every mission.