Thunder Force 6 (PlayStation 2)

Alternate title screen

Entery any menu, then quickly press Circle(2) to return to the title screen to cycle through three different ships in the background.

Bad ending

Successfully complete the game under Kids or Easy difficulty setting.

Good ending

Successfully complete the game without using any continues.

Neo Style mode

Successfully complete Time Attack mode.

Neo Style rank

Successfully complete Neo Style mode.

Normal ending

Successfully complete the game under Normal difficulty setting.

Report No. 3

Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting with Phoenix.

Reports Nos. 1 to 5

Successfully complete the game under the Kids to Maniac difficulty setting with Phoenix.

Reports Nos. 11 to 15

Successfully complete the game under the Kids to Maniac difficulty setting with Syrinx.

Reports Nos. 6 to 11

Successfully complete the game under the Kids to Maniac difficulty setting with Rynex-R.


Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting with Phoenix.


Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting with Rynex-R.

Syrinx Laser Beam for Phoenix

Successfully complete the Battle Ship stage in Neo Style mode. Phoenix will get a Guardian Heart and change its Wave into a laser beam weapon.

Time Attack mode

Successfully complete the game under the Hard difficulty setting.

Time Attack rank

Successfully complete Time Attack mode.