Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PlayStation 2)

Easy experience and money

When in the underground waterway close to the third save point, you will encounter a Pixie with about 300 HP. Knock it down to about one half of its HP (use physical immune to expel), then wait for it to call for reinforcements. A High Pixie (also about 300 HP) should appear. Kill the High Pixoe in one round, and the Pixie will summon another during the next round or so. Repeat this as many times as desired.

New Game +

Beat the game. After viewing ending and credits, the game will ask you to save your file. Load the file to begin a new game+. You start back at level one with minimal money and items. However, all learned combos and mastered / purchased Mantras from the previous game will carry over into the new game. A next cycle game also lets your characters learn the Human Form Skill and unlocks an optional super boss for you to fight with.