Psychonauts (PlayStation 2)

All items

Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press R3, Circle, R2(2), L3, Triangle during game play.

All Powers

Press the Circle, Circle, Triangle, R2, L3, Triangle buttons.

All Powers Upgraded

Press the L3, R3, L3, R2, Circle, R2 buttons.

Bonus movie

You have to get Psi Cadet Rank 100. This means getting all scavenger hunt items , psi-orbs , psi-cards , cobwebs, figments and emotional baggage.

Defeating the Lungfish

To defeat the Lungfish for the first and second stages, whenever he blows out the yellow boxes, hit the one he starts to suck in. When in the final stage, stand by a clam. When he starts swinging the thing on his head, punch the clam shell, then punch him.

Full Ammunition

Press the R3, X, L3, L3, Triangle, Circle buttons.

Full Arrowheads

Press the X, R3, R3, R2, Triangle, Square buttons.

Full Lives

Press the L3, R2, R2, Circle, X, R3 buttons.

Game developer easter egg

When inside Linda's head, go to the end part where the skyscrapers are. Go to the last one on the far left and climb up it until your right above the fifth row of windows. Force the camera to the right until the mountain is in the way. There is a picture of a girl there. The girl is the girlfriend of one of the games developers.

Global Items

Press the R3, Circle, R2, R2 L3, Triangle buttons.


Press the Circle, R2, Circle, Circle, Triangle, L2 buttons.

'Making Of' Reels

Sort all emotional baggages in any mind to unlock the character of the brain's 'making of' reel.

New text

While playing a game, hold L1 + R1 and quickly press R2, X, L3, R2(2), Circle. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase "You cheated" will be spoken. This code replaces the characters names with developer names, shows captions for all the dialogue, and changes the text to numbers and symbols.

Raz's psychic powers

Clairvoyance: Go open the fridge in Boid's mind
Confusion: You can find it in Bullfighters home in Edgar's mind
Invisibility: Go and see Ford after you have ranked up enough
Levitation: Complete Milla's dance party
Marksmanship: Destroy the Mega Censor in Sasha's mind
Pyrokinesis: See Ford after you have ranked up enough
Shield: Release the lungfish from prison over in lungfishopolis
Telekinesis: Go and see Ford once you have ranked up enough

Secret Message

After achieving the highest rank possible (i.e. after getting EVERYTHING), in The Collective Unconscious, there'll now be a line of text flying around saying, "All levels 100% completed, congratulations Psychomaster!"