Karaoke Stage (PlayStation 2)


All Characters

Enter the following code at the title screen: L3, L3, R3, L3, Up, Left, Up, Right, Square, Square. Note: You will not be able to save when this is entered.

All Costumes

Enter the following code at the title screen: Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Up, Down, Left, Right, R3, L3. Note: You will not be able to save when this is entered.

All Songs

Enter the following code at the title screen: Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Up, Down, Left, Right, L3, L3. Note: You will not be able to save when this is entered.

All Venues

Enter the following code at the title screen: Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Up, Down, Left, Down, R3, R3. Note: You will not be able to save when this is entered.

All Videos

Enter the following code at the title screen: Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Right, Up, L3, R3. Note: You will not be able to save when this is entered.