Hourglass | Time | Death, change...
Sun | Day | Authority, truth...
Alpha and Omega | Finality | Process, inevitability...
Marionette | Obedience | Submission, grace...
Serpent | Evil | Guile, natural wisdom...
Cauldron (crucible) | Alchemy | Craft, achieved wisdom...
Anchor | Hope | Steadfastness, prevention...
Helmet | War | Protection, narrow vision...
Beehive | Productive work | Sweetness, light...
Moon | Chastity | Mystery, the uncanny...
Madonna | Motherhood | The feminine, worship...
Apple | Sin | Knowledge, vanity...
Bird | The soul | Spring, marriage...
Bread | Nourishment | Christ, sacrifice...
Ant | Mechanical work | Diligence, tedium...
Bull | Earth | Power, honesty...
Candle | Fire | Faith, learning...
Cornucopia | Wealth | Autumn, hospitality...
Chameleon | Air | Greed, patience...
Thunderbolt | Inspiration | Fate, chance...
Dolphin | Water | Resurrection, succor...
Walled garden | Nature | Innocence, order...
Globe | Politics | Sovereignty, fame...
Sword | Justice | Fortitude, the Church...
Griffin | Treasure | Watchfulness, courage...
Horse | Europe | Journeys, fidelity...
Camel | Asia | Summer, perseverance...
Elephant | Africa | Charity, continence...
Crocodile | America | Rapacity, enterprise...
Baby | The future | Malleability, helplessness...
Compass | Measurement | Mathematics, science...
Lute | Poetry | Rhetoric, philosophy...
Tree | Firmness | Shelter, fertility...
Wild man | Wild man | The masculine, lust...
Owl | Night | Winter fear...