ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 (PlayStation 2)

Basketball Head

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BALLHEAD".

Better Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "ABILITYBONUS".

Better Shooting

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "EXCELLENT".

Big Feet

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BIGFOOT".

Big Hands

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BIGHAND".

Big Head

Go to opions and go to cheats - type in "bighead".

Easy Dunking

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "DUNKERS".

Flat Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "PANCAKE".

Invisble Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "INVISIBLE".

No Overhead Lights

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "DARKNESS".

No Specators

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "NOSPECTATOR".

Show Ball Trails

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BEFOREIMAGE".

Small Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "MINIMINI".