Unavailable Sku (PlayStation)



When the Infogramme Logo appears press Up, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, Down, Triangle and Circle. The word "lockoff" will appear. Once you have done this, input the following codes:

R1 + R2 - Unlimited Time. L1 + L2 - Narrow Tracks. L1 + R2 - Infinite Continues on Arcade Mode. L1 + L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 - All of the above L1, R1 - Debug Mode. L1 + R1 - Jeep.

To get the Toyota Celica, complete the Arcade and Championship Modes on Ace level. Race Corsica on Time Attack Mode and get a lap time of under one minute. You should now see that the barrier that was on the left is gone, revealing a road. Take that road to collect the Celica.