Freeze: Left, Right, Up
Rear Freeze: Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up
Napalm: Right, Left, Up
Shield:Up, Up, Right
Minion Attack: Up, Down, Up, Up, R2
NOTE: Minion's Attack can be used by anyone !
To cloak during gameplay, press U,D,L,R.
Eternal health
Press and hold square and circle and L1 and R1 and press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up and when you know that it is in is when you look at the top of the screen and it will say eternal health for just a sec.
Fire Vanisher
This cheat will work for all Twisted Metal games except Twisted Metal 1. First you have to be set on fire. As most of you know when you are on fire it takes away some of your life so when on fire, press your Turbos and the fire should vanish. This is a highly easy cheat.
Get on the house rooftops in Paris
In the Paris level, place a remote bomb under (or inside, after teleporting at the top) the Eiffel Tower, and detonate it. The tower will collapse and you can use it to access the house rooftops.
Homing napalms
During gameplay press Circle, Square, X, R1, L2, Square, Triangle. If you entered it correctly you wiil hear a loud sound.
Invincibility & Infinite Weapons
Hold L1,L2,R1,R2 then press U,D,L,R,R,L,D,U during game play, not while paused. This is for the the Standard
controller setting.
Level codes
Level Password
Moscow X, Triangle, X, X, _, _
Paris Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, _
New York _, Triangle, Square, Square, X, _
Antarctica X, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle
Holland Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle
Hong Kong Triangle, X, Circle, X, X, Circle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _, Square
Moscow Triangle, X, Circle, _, _, _
Paris X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle
Amazonia _, X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle
New York Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square
Antarctica X, Square, Square, Circle, _, Triangle
Holland Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Hong Kong Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle
Dark Tooth X, _, X, Square, Square, _
Moscow _, Triangle, X, X, X, _, Square
Paris _, X, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, _, _, _, X, Circle
New York Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, X
Antarctica Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square
Holland Triangle, Square, Square, X, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle
Dark Tooth Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle, X
Mr. Grimm
Moscow Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle, _
Paris Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X
Amazonia X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
New York Triangle, _, _, Circle, X, Circle
Antarctica Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, _
Holland X, X, Triangle, _, Circle, X
Hong Kong _, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
Dark Tooth _, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Mr. Slam
Moscow X, X, Triangle, Square, X, _
Paris X, _, _, Circle, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Square, X
New York Triangle, X, Circle, Square, _, Circle
Antarctica Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle
Holland _, Circle, _, _, Circle, _
Honk Kong Square, _, _, Triangle, _, Triangle
Dark Tooth Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle, X
Outlaw 2
Moscow _, X, Circle, _, Triangle, _
Paris Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, _
New York Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, _
Antarctica X, Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, _
Holland X, Square, Square, _, Triangle
Hong Kong _, Triangle, X, Square, X, X
Dark Tooth _, Circle, X, _, Triangle, _
Road Kill
Moscow Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, _
Paris Triangle, _, Triangle, _, _, Circle
Amazonia X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle
New York Circle, _, _, X, _, X
Antarctica _, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, _
Holland X, _, _, Triangle, _, Square
Hong Kong Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X,
Moscow Square, _, _, Triangle, Triangle, _
Paris X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia X, X, Circle, _, Triangle, X
New York X, _, _, X, Circle, Square
Antarctica Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Circle
Holland Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, _, Triangle, _, Square, X
Dark Tooth Circle, Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, _
Moscow Circle, Triangle, X, X, Triangle, _
Paris _, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, X
Amazonia Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
New York _, X, Circle, X, X, Triangle
Antarctica X, _, _, _, Circle, Triangle
Holland Triangle, _, _, Square, X, Square
Hong Kong X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square
Dark Tooth X, Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle
Moscow Circle, _, _, Triangle, X, _
Paris X, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square, _
New York X, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle
Antarctica Triangle, Triangle, Square, _, _, _
Holland X, Triangle, X, _, Square, Triangle
Hong Kong Triangle, _, _, Square, Triangle, _
Dark Tooth Triangle, _, Square, Square, X, Circle
Moscow X, _, _, Triangle, Circle, _
Paris Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Triangle
Amazonia _, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Circle
New York X, Triangle, X, Circle, X, _
Antarctica Circle, _, _, X, Square, Triangle
Holland _, X, X, _, _, Circle
Hong Kong X, X, Triangle, X, Square, _
Dark Tooth X, Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle
Moscow Triangle, _, _, Triangle, Square, _
Paris Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, X
New York X, Square, Square, _, X, Circle
Antarctica _, X, Circle, Triangle, _, Square
Holland Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, _, X
Hong Kong Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, _, Circle
Dark Tooth Circle, Square, Space, Circle, Circle, Square
Mega Guns
Hold R2,U,D,L,R,R,L,D,U.
More codes
Force Shield - UP,UP,RIGHT
No Radar
While playing, press Select and Left together to make the radar dissappear.
Play as darktooth
When at the character selection screen, press Circle, Square, Triangle, R1, R2, O, O.
Play with Sweet Tooth and Minion
Press the following codes on the character select screen:
Sweet Tooth - UP,L1,T,RIGHT Minion - L1,UP,DOWN,LEFT
Randomly select a vehicle
On the character selection screen press R1 and your vehicle will be randomly selected. The same applies to the opponents in Deathmatch mode.
Secret Levels
In a 2 player game,select challenge match go to the battle ground selection screen and enter the following codes:
Rooftops - d, L, r1, d
Cyburbia - d, u, L1, r1
Suicide Swamp/Jetmoto stage - u, d, r, r1
See all Weapons
While playing the game, press select and down at the same time to see a list of all the weapons you are currently holding.
Statue of Liberty in bikini
Fire a Power missile at the Statue of Liberty in the New York level. The first time you hit the statue, it'll explode and reveal another statue wearing a red bikini. The second time you hit it, it'll completely be destroyed.