Southpark (PlayStation)

All Cheats Enabled

Enter the password ZBOBBYBIRD in order to enable all the cheats in the game.

Bonus Characters in Multiplayer Mode

To enable the bonus characters, enter one of the passwords below.

YLovemachine Chef
Bcheckataco Wendy
Sraft Terrence
Pphaert Phillip
Jhawking Jed
Acheatingsbad Mr. Macky
Delvislives Officer Barbrady
Goutrange Big Gay All
Mslapupmeal Starvin Marvin
Vdorothysfriend Mr. Garrison
Efishnchips Pip
Qstaringfrog Jimbo
Hkickme Ike
Kallwoman Ms. Cartman
Ngoodscience Mephisto
Tmajestic Alien Visitor