Ridge Racer Type 4 (PlayStation)


All cars

Press Start to pause game play at the half way point in the first race in Gran Prix mode. Then, press Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle.

All cars (japanese version)

Press Start to pause game play at the half way point in the first race in Gran Prix mode. Then, press Triangle, Tringle, Tringle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square.

Extra Trial Mode

You get Extra Trail mode when you bet Gran Prix mode the first time. In Extra Trail mode you can get 16 of the 320 cars in the game.

Four player mode

Connect two PlayStations via a link cable. A "Link Battle" mode that allows a simultaneous four player game will appear.

Pacman Car

If you get all 320 cars, the Pacman car will appear as the 9th car in your garage! You will also get a new music track, "Eat Em Up."

Race an Eagle

On the Heaven and Hell track in Grand Prix mode press Left, Right, Right, Right during the countdown voiceover.

Rage Racer information:

Use a memory card with a saved game file from Rage Racer to place your old team information on the cars in Ridge Racer Type 4.


Play the game disc in an audio CD player. The voice and music from the game can be heard on tracks two through nine. To hear additional music from the game, listen to tracks two and above on the turbo mode disc.

Turbo (Japanese version)

Press L2 + R2 during game play.

Turbo Boost

When you are playing on any race, press R2 + L2 for a super turbo boost.