Doom (PlayStation)

Level Passwords

Enter the following codes at the Password screen.

CR!3WDD3DBLevel 02
3JJCMK8W64Level 03
03LTJ0Y!02Level 04
H33!1HFTHKLevel 05
04MSKZX9Z1Level 06
09SMBY04YWLevel 08
7KKBLD7V53Level 09
FM4217GSGJLevel 10
H!!3WDGLDBLevel 11
07QPDW26WYLevel 12
WTXQ9C3W12Level 13
RBR4G!LDLNLevel 14
WTXQ9C3W11Level 15
548C7DFWYXLevel 16
JOC89DZPQSLevel 17
JGB9CT0NRTLevel 18
9QLTKR0!02Level 19
78M63QX921Level 20
S!61FHVQJGLevel 21
33QHFTT6WYLevel 22
VBGQPJ!Y46Level 23
ZYKTLW7V53Level 24
0DJSM4HW64Level 25
ZDJSMVRW64Level 27
1YKTX4QV53Level 28
XKF6R8LZ97Level 29
DJX07Q4HTRLevel 30
C0W1!QNJQSLevel 31
VM!3V1D3DBLevel 32
W394W2DMFCLevel 33
ZQ58ZKJRKHLevel 34
Z758ZKJ8KHLevel 35
5C2V3DQBNLLevel 36
NCKBLX7V53Level 37
1Q580FCRKHLevel 38
HTMSKZZ9Z1Level 39
WS58ZKCRKHLevel 40
CSNRG2W820Level 41
WT670JbQGJLevel 42- The Factory
DQLTJ1Y!02Level 43- THe Inmost Dens
2N94VFFMFCLevel 44- The Suburbs
CQLTJOY!02Level 45- Tenements
WR492GDSGJLevel 46- The Courtyard
PFFGXH3777Level 47- The CItadel
JWCJV2X479Level 48- Nirvana
CJJTM35964Level 49- The Catacombs
M!T174XZXVLevel 50- Barrels of Fun
5770MX2CDFLevel 51- Bloodfalls
YJLW3PPCPMLevel 52- The Abondoned Mines
DKKBLM58J3Level 53- Monster Condo
7L3!266DJKLevel 54- Redemption Denied
4680Q7B5BDLevel 55- Fortress of Mystery
T3QP7W26WYLevel 56- The Military Base
RNSM5YYMYWLevel 57- The Marshes
HWKB!57V53Level 58- The Mansion
644YL1Q9GJLevel 59 - Club Doom

Link-up with 1 Disk

It is possible to play link-up Doom using only one copy of the game. It's a bit ropey but it does work and I think the main reason for that is that I am doing the swap method on one PSX (ie I have a Japanese and UK Playstation, a PAL copy of the game). Anyway, load up Doom on one of them, choose all the options and then start the linkup. It'll say "waiting for connection". Now wait a second or two, take out the CD and pop it in the other PSX and load it up. Set up the same options, and then start the linkup. It'll say "waiting for connection" then after a while it'll change to "loading" as will the other one. After another while it'll probably just stop. Wait until you can't hear the CD making any more noise than just the sound of inactive spinning and take it out and put it in the first PSX. Now wait a while and it should load up and work. With mine when a level is completed it'll then crash. I think it may be because of the linkup but I don't know. Anyway, it's good while it lasts!

Map all items

Pause game play and press Triangle(2), L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Circle. To confirm correct code entry, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear the game is resumed. All objects including enemies, items, weapons, and secret switches will appear on the map as blue triangles.

Map all lines

Pause game play and press Triangle(2), L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Square. To confirm correct code entry, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear the game is resumed. All walls and boundaries will appear on the map for the current stage.

More Codes

Note: To do the codes you have to pause the game then push these buttons

Invincibility: Down, L2, Square, R1, Right, L1, Left, Circle
All Weapons: X, Triangle, L1, Up, Down, R2, Left, Left
X-Ray Vision: L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Triangle, X, Right
Complete Map of Stage: Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Square
Items On Map: Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Circle
Level Warp: Right, Left, R2, R1, Triangle, L1, Circle, X

Random levels

Enter DOOMMNLxxx or H3LL1SHxxx, where xxx the same character such as !!! or 666, at the password screen. The game will start at a random level with an unusual amount of ammunition, armor, and life.


Play track two of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game.